Byron Brown on his way out?


Our sources are Jesse Myerson, the Communications Director for the India Walton campaign…


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I feel like police officers should be able to voice their opinion in the chance of a $7.5 Million budget cut that they fell will cause them to loose their jobs.

On a side note, I find it very funny that before Brown was removed from the ballot, Walton was all about having debates and welcomed any an all Candidates whether write in or on the ballot to debates before the election to bring transparency. However once Brown was removed from the ballot, she now does not want to do a debate when asked.

She has far more to lose than to gain in any debate.


Completely agree. Just found it funny how quickly that comment she had about always being open to debate changed. So… how fast will she be to flip from “no police officers will be fired” to those police officers being fired?

I mean, she’s 100% a total piece of shit so nothing she says/does surprises me.


Yep… This sounds like the person you want in charge of taking care of Buffalo. She can’t even take care of her own shit.
Unpaid parking tickets and an expired registration. Car gets impounded. Great job.


Typical Buffalonian. I can’t wait to see what she does for the city.

I hope she wins and that her first official act as mayor is to make the cops release her car from impound

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lol maybe this is the plan all along? Like, she has something bad going on and figured why not run for mayor?

Well we saw how that backfired for the mayor in Rochester…

Starting to see India ads.

Also, I got ballot an ad in the mail for Buffalo… Check out this illusion of choice, lol:

India is a ghetto ass thot.

Byron might be stale and corrupt but its the devil you know at least.

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Well, now she’ll def win:

Incase anyone wants the blurred out section. lol I guess it’s been aired on the news already too.

So can we start the term “black privilege”, because if you were a white politician and made a sexual and racist comment like that about a black person that would be a career ender. Meanwhile she’s about to become the mayor of Buffalo.

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I love that “racist” people are donating to a black man and that’s her way of trying to trash talk Brown.

This looks promising.

Always be leary of the national news trying to nationalize a local election.

To be fair the same story was on WIVB before it was picked up by Fox. Brown is up huge in the polls. All going to come down to how many stamps he can get in the hands of his supporters so he doesn’t have to rely on them spelling “Byron Brown” correctly. I’m gonna laugh when he loses because “Brian Brown”, “Byon Brown”, “Bryon Brown” and “Byeron Brown” all got a couple percent of the write in vote.

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