Mark’s hating on me because I bug him about his SR and how it’s not an iron block.
Hey Mark, it’s ok to have an SR, it’s just not the right choice. YOU should have gone with a CA! duh.
For those looking for technical information regarding the CA18DET, the nico forums have a lot of good information, links and technically skilleded members.
Lemme put it this way to end all arguments of all time about CA vs SR vs KA vs RB vs VQ vs etc. The engine who’s owner’s wallet is the fattest is better. None of you can compare any of these engines. As its comparing apples and oranges… the reason for this is because there are many different mods/parts/routes one can use/take. All these engines have made more than 700whp so it doesn’t really matter what anyone argues till you get it to that hp then complain that you should have chosen the other engine. I don’t care if you think a RB is better than a KA… “It has more potential in every way”. A properly installed RB26 will cost you close to 10000. that will give you the stock hp of around 300. if you bought a KA and put that much money into it it would create more horse than that RB. It all comes down to money… with money you can make anything possible… Please stop arguing this and if you decide to add to the ocean of useless opinions think about how irrelevant it will be as there is countless threads on countless forums on this same topic, and guess what none have come to a conclusion… all there is , is opinions. Instead of fighting about which is better… talk about what is better in one specific area… CA- High RPM… KA- large displacement(low end torque) SR- Well rounded budget engine… all of them are beautiful engines by nissan. Depending on different people’s preferences and budget different motors are right for different people. Yet all motors are great motors when done up properly.
Wrong CA’s, SR’s are square engines = mid to high rpm power. KA’s are under square.Cams durations, lift and overlap do come into play with you powerband though. Anyone on these board actually know engines??? So much wrong info spread by the blind, and followed by the blind.
What the hell are you saying wrong too… your not disagreeing with any point I made I wasn’t talking about any engine… it wasn’t the point of my post. you seem to be one of the blind people on this forum… read…think…post. your missing the one or both of the first two steps.Like I said…It depends on your budget. Your say its better because its a square motor… another person might argue that doesn’t outweigh the 400cc displacement of the KA. some may argue it does… this is how these dumb arguments start…and never end.there’s never going to be a conclusion that more than 90% of the people on the board are going to agree with. If you feel like arguing about things like this… Chocolate Vs Vanilla Ice cream which is better?
id say chocolate is better.
but honestly the only way to end this is
If you want a rb . buy a rb
if you want a vg. buy a vg
if u want to build YOUR cars origial Ka Then so be it.
if someone wants to know the diffrences in the motors. well there is a hella lot of sites on nico or just even Google it.
what you choose is what u buy. its not like once u put a motor in your car your stuck with it for life…sell it and buy another. just becuase u bought a ca or sr and dont want it. im sure someone else out there will love to own it. as smurff6x6 loves his ca. let him be with it.
you guys love what you love. the truth is i just love to drive a vehicle. if it has 150hp then wtf… work with it make it more.
or you can be ballin and go cop a 350z or a infinity m45 and call it a day