ca18det boost guage vaccuum source

where would be a good place to tap into for vaccuum for my boost gauge

quick reply needed

thanks guys

Where are you pulling your vacuum source from for the wastegate?

I was going to tap the compressor (like the stock CA T25) and T-off to the wastegate and boost guage.


hey rich

im running an evc 5

so the wastegate, comp housing, and the nipple under the tb are all running to the evc5 solenoid

the charcoal canister is tapped off the tb nipple still

my bov is going to be tapped off the wastegate line

and i was reading that the best place is to tap off for a boost gauge is somewhere behind the plenum/tb so you can get a vac/boost reading which will show how much the motor is taking in after pressure drop.

im going to tap into that nipple on the left side of the plenum if your facing the motor. it runs from the plenum to the charcoal canister.

ill let you know if it works out

thanks for the quick repsonse tho, you can lock it up

got it hooked up

its the strangest thing

i expected the evc readout to be about 2 psi higher then the the readout from the boost gauge tapped after the plenum due to pressure drop

its the complete opposite

at any given point in the rpm range, the gauge reads that the motor is taking in about 2 psi more then what the evc claims the turbo is putting out

i thought it would be the other way around

the evc readout is super wierd tho. at idle on my boost gauge im putting out --60 kpa, it comes up to about -70 kpa under full boost

the evc starts off at idle saying im putting out +15 kpa, then under full bost the number drops to about -50 kpa

when i let off the gas, the boost spikes very quickyl and shortly to about -85kpa on the gauge, and jumps up back to +25 kpa (from -51) on the evc

i suppose it kinda makes sense, if you look at the evc readout as a range figure, and not for the numbers themsleves, the range is about eqaul to what the boost gauge claims the motor is taking in

at full boost the range on the evc is about 70 kpa give or take afew, and thats what the gauge is set at under full boost

when the boost spikes, the evc range is about 80 kpa give or take a few, and at spike the gauge claims the spike pressure to be around 85 give or take

so in that sense the numbers are close but it doesnt allot any room for pressure drop, unless if the i/c pressure drop is minimal, say < 1psi

i suppose this isnt totally unfeasable, since some companies claim to have about 0.2 psi drop, but i would expect this from bigger companies.