Cage build time

It’s quite expensive to renew your qualifications… at about $100 per test… There are 4-6 positions per welding process. Each position is one on test.
There is also CWB and TSSA tests. Pipe welding tests… About 4 types of welding processes that you can get qualified for…

However, that’s only if your employer doesn’t pay for your tickets. Or if they aren’t even a CWB or TSSA certified shop.

To get 4 qualifications for 1 type of welding you need 4-6 welding position qualifications.
$100 per test do the math… It ain’t cheap.

Thankfully they recently changed the expirary dates on your qualifications if you’re not employed. It went from retesting every 90 days to retesting every 2 years. This was changed this past January…