My cage build

Nothing to special got an S&W cage for the hatch figured id post some pics up. This stuff is a lot more time consuming than i had thought. Had my driver seat in and out about 40 times to check and double check things. So far things are going pretty good. BREETIME stopped by to lend a much needed hand so thanks to him. He also took some pics.

Some parts

Crap i pulled out

Head liner sitting on the hood of the jeep

Lining things up

Fit is pretty good

And the typical weld shot

^^^ As you see it doesnt seem like a straight line but that is due to the fact that i needed to fit the couture of the car so i had to pound the plates and what not into place. It sucks i have to stop every inch or so to work the plate into place and it makes the welds look ugly. Plates took up more time than anything to get right.

Still have a pile of work to do but should only take another night or two to finish it up. All in all turning out pretty well for my first attemp at putting a cage in a car.

Ill post more when i do more.

:tup: William

I am glad you and others are doing this. Cars are starting to get scary fast, and lets face it, a car running 10’s hits the wall at 130+… well i think we know what happens :frowning:

Yea my mommy has been bitching for 2 years she might actually come out and watch me again now LOL.

Oh and i still cant decide what color to paint the cage. White black or red. Im thinking white but still not really sure.

looks good.

Black ftw, esp in a white car

paint it black McJagger. And i hope after this is in you still have a passenger seat!

A civic that needs a cage :tup:

with track times :tup:

Looks good

So S&W makes prebent cages for civics?

Good job bill, cant wait to see it finished. Id say white or black for the color…

paint it pick you fag … good thing you are doing your cage first so mine will go in faster… it would be sweet if i could see pic at work

if you paint it pink i will paint my cage pink

im talking like pink cavy pink

or just go black

about fucking time manG

Looks good.


you know he is not selling anything right

Yes. Yes I do.

Seems like an AWFUL LOT of room between the cage and body, not good.

paint it white with little black stars.

Wrap it in newman-face’d vinyl.

Now you are a chassis builder?? Let me guess where would you suggest he go??

:tup: looks good bill

Haha thanks all, and Haenzel ill fix the picks for you when i get home tonight.