i think you would be surprised about how good it fit out of the box…we had to make one maybe two cuts so far…its falling into place.
cough…its only for tech…cough
Don’t worry about it then, cuz I can view them at home.
i dunno… when I do my cage I don’t want it to be “only for tech”… it goddamn well sure as shit better save my ass when my shit takes a swift right turn at 140+mph.
that is quite a bit of gap. But it shouldnt matter regardless. As long as its within spec to the driver seating position.
Dmoffit, please dont confuse scca etc. cage requirements with drag racing requirements. Apples and oranges. NHRA and IHRA requirements are very different from road racing, auto crossing specs.
looks like once the headliner goes back in if so, that gap will be much less.
Cage requirements shouldn’t be just to satisfy some tech inspection. A cage should be designed to fit properly for safety, not to check a box on some inspection. This cage almost looks like it’s designed to fit with a full interior (headliner, door panels, carpet, etc.). A poorly designed cage is just as bad as no cage at all.
looks good bill, :tup: for a cage and being safe
How much for the jeep?
Oh Billy I am so glad to see you are finally putting one in… it makes me feel MUCH better… :tup: and miss you!
so you did decide to go with that :tup:, with all the interior back in it will fit much better, but what do all these people expect for how much you paid compared to a 2,500 one from a shop
Guys im short if anything i could have cut down the main hoop keep it closer to where it needs to be. Requires less than 6inches from helmet so its done by the angle of main hoop or height. Where it is is perfect and if you are talking about the gaps to the sides there right were they need to be. Room for the seat and if i wanted to i could run door panels.
Edit: looking at the pics it does seem like alot more room between the cage and the car but its only at most 2" on the sides and id say 1" - 1.5" on the top. The way this pic was taken it gives it a different kind of look.
Glad your getting the rollbar bill. How far are you so far?
Ive got the main hoop right where it needs to be plated and everything, rear plates in and rear bars cut and ready to go in just havent tacked them in yet. Still need to clear out the sound insulation shit for the plates up front, and cut and fit those bars.
Also i think im getting my hands on a kirky aluminum race seat from one of my stock car friends so ill be building rails and what not for that soon.
your right, its probably becuase he has no carpet.:banghead:
Do you have a better explanation as to why so much room is left between the body and the cage? The design is not optimal, nor does it really make it much “safer” than no cage.
I like the idea of a some space between the car’s “frame” and the roll bar. It allows for deformation and energy absorption to be taken on by the car first, then the cage. Especially if the cage has a second skin and the gap can be filled with energy absorption foam However, in this case I would like to see at least the driver’s set centered about three inches inboard to make up for that gap.
really once he puts all the shit back in you guys are going to sound like asshats … all the shit that needs to go in im sure he is going to have to cut some of it just to get it to fit b/c the cage is so close
notice the top of the hoop goes in front of the door opening at the top. I think that’s making you guys think it has a big gap in the rear pic.
^^^ Ding Ding Ding
Nice Bill, I need to get on this cage train.
Yea it was dumb cheap, so if i hate it/junk the shell im only out $200 so its no biggy deff worth the time and cash.