Cages, androids, callouts and puppies? Go on... [split]

Don’t worry about it, Cliff is just an internet bad-ass… don’t listen to a word he says.

Dropping the car off tomorrow at Cash Body Customs for a CF cage fab. Pics coming in a few weeks.

But the epic drift fail leading up to your demise needs to be considered. :hug

why the FUCK is there 71 people viewing off-topic??? Or is it just taking that long to read kkk’s posts??

yeah i look left, right into the b-pillar.

Krazykid, ill take a 4 pt plz. Need swing out door bars.

I’m not even reading the responses on here since my last post, as TrobraGeoff and SSexcusSS have both been placed on my ‘ignore’ list. Regardless, I think that the both of you are totally cool in person…but, Jeff, you’re a total troll on here (which MANY people have told me in person/PM/IM/facebook/txt/whatever), and Andrew, your excuses/drama are a downfall of this internet community (which, again, many talk about/agree with off of here). Conversely, what ‘anyone’ says (who I really don’t give a fuck about if it’s just about racing) says about me, affects my automotive performance involvement about…oh…zero percent.

Carry on,

I’m a troll?..that’s cool

I would take it as a compliment!

The other Jeff, with the cobra.

Every time I come in here and look around I wonder why I signed in. Place gets worse and worse…

Yeah pessimists like you ruin the fun for the hundreds of people that enjoy the place.


“which MANY people have told me in person/PM/IM/facebook/txt/whatever” its the damn internet… sorry to piss all of you off. didnt mean to hurt your feelings. always a giant bitch fest on shift518. but im flattered those of you who dont like me, felt he need to contact each other and talk about it. thanks guys. lets just leave it at that.


LMAO i love shift518!

Well, shift thinks you’re a FUCKING TROLL.

So piss off, dick.


No one likes battle trolls only treasure trolls

thats pretty much the jist of it. i guess ill just go sit in the corner