Calabogie HPDE-Club Race July 17-19th

I am sorry I am just hoping that someone will decide ''Screw it – I finally grew a set and will actually go to the track instead of just talking about it"

I mean what excuse can you have?

“Entry fee” --least expensive one of the year for a ton of track time.

“I want to see a race, because this school thing is beneath me”–Yup we got that

“Jesse is my hero” --although not fully understood – yup we have “the Jesse”

" It is too far away" – Yea it is a haul, but it is Canada --Great beer, great tracks, and nice strip joints.

“I cannot take time off from work”-I understand working too much --but this is a weekend, at a great race track and it is Canada --land of Brador!

“my car needs a gazillion mods”–NOT AT THIS TRACK! You will spend most of the time trying to remeber if the next corner is to the right or left over the blind crest.

“Tom is an A$$hole”–Well someone had to take over for me --I am old. AND even if the tools who hate AX do not believe it he can drive the wheels off a car. And he is not actually an A$$hole --he just plays one on TV.

" I do not have a place to stay" --CAMP at the track --It’s July --even Canada is warm in July.

“I cannot grow a pair since I am a female” – Why is this a problem? You still have 2 feet for the pedals right?

"My Ego cannot handle my uber fast car being passed by … (insert small momentum car driven by crazy track whore here–could be a mini, Honda, BMW, yugo)–Yea you should stay home if that is the case