Calabogie HPDE-Club Race July 17-19th

Patroon BMWCCA is holding a Drivers school and Club race at Calabogie Motorsports park in Ontario ( near Ottawa) Canada July 17th -19th 2009–along with the Ottawa BMW Club.
We are using the Full course.
This is an amazing track -20 turns in 3.05 miles. Great for a novice or “expert” driver.

Check out the track map

Or a video

Want to drive for less. Entry fee for novices ( less than 2 events) Calabogie is CHEAP. C$ 350 plus 5% GST -so US$318 for Saturday AND Sunday. Plus you can camp at the track. Great Canadian Beer and Tom found the Canadian ballet somewhere.

Regular 2 day entry fee C$425 + 5% = $386 US ( more than 2 events)
3 day ( Experienced and Advanced only) $ 476.00 US

Register here

Includes a Saturday night banquet and t shirt of course.

AND you can ee Jesse, Skiboard or Jammer in the BMW club race. I would suggest some of the 1st gen haters could heckle him during open track–but we know they will not show up, so…

PS–Exchange rate went up from the time I posted rates a few months back – but still a good value.

PASSPORTS or PASSPORT CARD or ENHANCED NYS license are REQUIRED to get back in the USA as of JUNE 1st 2009

My birthday :excited

Finally registered…this is going to be a sweeeeet 3 days

eeeeepppppppppppic track and trip. i am def in!

I better start saving up for front left tires

Chords work too.....

Will be bringing the pain.

alright so now that we have identified all the people that will actually be going to the event, I would like to now welcome in all the posers that claim they will be there but would never actually man up and go…

Yeah just go ahead and lock this. Everyone who will go has been notified.

I am sorry I am just hoping that someone will decide ''Screw it – I finally grew a set and will actually go to the track instead of just talking about it"

I mean what excuse can you have?

“Entry fee” --least expensive one of the year for a ton of track time.

“I want to see a race, because this school thing is beneath me”–Yup we got that

“Jesse is my hero” --although not fully understood – yup we have “the Jesse”

" It is too far away" – Yea it is a haul, but it is Canada --Great beer, great tracks, and nice strip joints.

“I cannot take time off from work”-I understand working too much --but this is a weekend, at a great race track and it is Canada --land of Brador!

“my car needs a gazillion mods”–NOT AT THIS TRACK! You will spend most of the time trying to remeber if the next corner is to the right or left over the blind crest.

“Tom is an A$$hole”–Well someone had to take over for me --I am old. AND even if the tools who hate AX do not believe it he can drive the wheels off a car. And he is not actually an A$$hole --he just plays one on TV.

" I do not have a place to stay" --CAMP at the track --It’s July --even Canada is warm in July.

“I cannot grow a pair since I am a female” – Why is this a problem? You still have 2 feet for the pedals right?

"My Ego cannot handle my uber fast car being passed by … (insert small momentum car driven by crazy track whore here–could be a mini, Honda, BMW, yugo)–Yea you should stay home if that is the case

If I don’t get anally raped by my insurance company and have some extra loot I am absolutely down. Chances are quite slim though. Sucks.

And the first “I’m totally going but totally not going!!” has arrived! Give the man a prize!

I will be going. I will trade somebody awesome pictures for donations towards track fee :slight_smile:

(I’ve got my new lens :):slight_smile: )

Please be advised --Calabogie has an “official” photographer. 303 imaging or 303 motoring.
They probably will not assign credentials for you to be in “hot” areas --but I can check if you really wish. You can get shots from the paddock and the gravel pit.


oh stfu

yea let me know if you can…

The gravel pit area isnt bad if you have a 200m lens…your right on top off the turns in the gravel pit area and onto the front straight. You can also get killer pictures from where I took them from along the front straight heading thru the kink. Much closer to the track than in the gravel pit but the gravel pit is just as good.
P.S. bring a bike…

Did anyone else read the track guide that Ottawa BMW sent out?

[LEFT][/FONT][/SIZE]- that’s all it is – a relatively easy Kink to the left. If you just come on the track, follow [SIZE=2]the TIP above. If you are at speed coming down the front straight you apply some [/SIZE][SIZE=2]medium braking on the approach, settle the car down, gentle on the throttle at the apex – it’s easy. But, this Kink is intriguing, especially in the rain it will catch some drivers by surprise as the terrain drops quickly downhill and emphasizes the [/SIZE][SIZE=2]tendency of a tail-happy car to oversteer.[/LEFT]

[LEFT][/SIZE]Nowhere does it say to obtain pre-pucker on your butthole as you slide through it with the 6 foot concrete wall on the drivers side…[/LEFT]

What they meant to say was “take it flat or your a little girl.”

Hand me some panties then. It takes me a few laps each session before I can go into there with just a lift in the 240 --in the 318ti --probably flat out --LOL