Calabogie: Sunday, July 29th

i agree with John’s sentiment that Sasha is basically god, or superman, whomever is cooler.

that would be crazy if the actual arms best and not the multi-link

you’re running bings gear right? if that stuff held up stronger than the actual hub that would be crazy.

factory stuff is designed to bend first to save the more expensivfe parts (the hub and bearing assembly)

racing stuff is designed to be stiff as possible to prevent any flex, so im guessing this is what happened

it’s probably the arms that bent, i heard bing doesnt even have an engineering degree so his products must be shit.

I’ve heard the same thing actually.

i also heard his products give you the HIV

Sandra definitely held her own this weekend thats for sure. Right after the Kamikaze “pass” when Sandra took off like a rocket I yelled “GO SR!” like the huge dork that I am… got a couple interesting looks from the C5 fans who were sitting a few people down.

Definitely a sight to see from 30 feet up.

I’m not sure what was crazier, the Kamikaze “pass” or the high speed sideways entry into the downhill left I saw Sasha pull off multiple times.

I heard that they still look brand new after sitting and rotting outside for well over a year :smiley:

when i got them, i greased them and installed them

they still look perfect after sitting through the winter, etc.

not that i would expect any less… im just saying ;]

this is the shit that makes me hate that the race was only 40 minutes, every time he came around the corner i was crossing my fingers that he would take it a bit too hot and come sliding around… sandra is such a graceful little slut.

So how many races do you need to attend before you get an a ride shot gun during a race… lol


im pretty sure we’d have to go rallying for that to happen

yea i tried to keep her smooth this weekend boys

all the drifts you saw were mistakes, and had me shaking my head at myself while drifing. cant over use those tires now boys!

are you allowed to use anything other than ra1?

i can get you good pricing on NT01 in exchange for more spectacular corners

nah we are sponsored by toyo and are mandated to use RA1s

everyone uses em

thanks though

haha i figured.

cant really complain about that, those tires rock.

Right on, sweet pics, and glad to hear you’re still doing well Sasha!

But I was under the understanding Calibogie was going to be an enthusiast only track, and wasn’t really set up for racing events? Either way I totally want to check that track out, and definitely need to catch Sasha in motion some time.

The car looked sweet sitting still, and every picture I’ve seen makes me wish I could make it out to a race. When is the end of the season? Just curious because I’m moving to the GTA in a few months, and it’ll be a whole lot easier to make a race if I’m in the region, instead of way up here.

good show sasha, as usual. sucks about the wheel and susp damage… but that move was still worth going for

rest of pics:

Definitely a gorgeous looking track Sweet pics as always Mike.