Cali is LEGALIZING Marijuana. Not just medicinal, either.

It was actually created by a Japanese scientists and it was used by them and the Germans during wars to keep the soldiers and workers in the factories awake for long periods of time. That was the pure stuff :thumbup

but did they use the same ingredients that trailer trash are frying their brains with these days?

Im sure not. Criminals cant get their hands on alot of the shit to make it im guessing. Have you ever seen the show breaking bad on AMC?

Shady touched on this but…it is ILLEGAL in the good ol USA. California can say what they want. Heres the fact. My father lives in Cali, in some areas there are numerous “Pot Shops” with many “flavors” to choose from. The owners of a bunch of these shops paid $4 mil in taxes and were just recently busted by federal agents and shut down. Yup…open legal store per the State of Cali, were shut down and the owners are fighting it in court. Meanwhile, many shops remain open. All it takes is “stress” to get a prescription, or a hang nail. With the need for a prescription , it does not change the current federal stance. Kinda like radar detectors I suppose.

I would like to try a few of the buds I saw on 20/20 or 60 minutes or whatever show did the story on this.

Oh don’t get me wrong, DEA will still throw you in federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison.

But if enough states say enough is enough…

Yea it amazed me eharing of “Pot SHops” in cali that were “legal” and seemed like good people get everything siezed and taken away by the fed. government, and then they either need to cut their losses or come up witht he money to reopen and hope it doesnt happen again.

I know Obama has told the DEA not to interfere with state law and leave the dispensary’s alone. But im sure with all the other problems that has gone to the back burner. I know the head of the DEA is one of bush’s appointments and he is anti-pot. I know I read a while back Obama had planned to replace him, but with the shit storm he’s turned this country into who knows if/when that will happen

I doubt the standard will change at all, at least any time soon, even if it were to be legalized across the US. Any place that requires skilled labor, like aviation will prob still fire you if you fail a piss test with pot in your system.

The general trend though is hinting that pot will be legalized

420 for all!