Cali is LEGALIZING Marijuana. Not just medicinal, either.

I dont think you’ve tried fiorecet then…cuz if the excedrin migraine stuff works than that shit should knock you the fuck out. Have some if you would like to try for the next time you get one.

Weed is dumb, won’t ever be ‘legal’. Would open a door of far too much ‘gray area’ in regards to drug testing, etc.

Weed is no ‘dumber’ than alcohol, in fact better in every way except how quickly your body metabolizes it.

Disagree, but w/e. The point is, is that the legalization of weed would require a plethora of new drug testing standards. Ain’t gonna happen.

It’s already happening.


For example, as an avionics tech, I’m not allowed to consume alcohol any less than 8 hours before my shift, and my BAC can’t be over .02. Similar standards would have to be set for weed. Ain’t. Gonna. Happen.

Then why is already in the process of becoming legal in a few different states?

Ehh its still illegal federally… so you can still get your shit raided

Money. That is the ONLY reason. If there needs to be new drug testing standards than the tax on weed is going to have to go up to pay for it.

That’s your job though, not all jobs have that requirement.

??? you and your posts are kinda dumb but you still post them.

There are supplements for clearing alcohol from your system as well. Those supplements also remove other drugs like opiates and narcotics. So I clearly, and others i’m sure, don’t understand your point.

IIRC unless you smoke quite a bit… THC hardly stays in your system for that long anyways less than a day, you piss/metabolize most of it out within a few hours

I took a home piss test maybe 12-14 hours after i smoked once due to havnig an interivew the following day… it came out negative… as did the test when i had my interview…

THis was only smoking enough to get me feeling good anyways… as Im not an avid smoker the once in a great while when i do smoke it only takes a little bit get relaxed

In other words, soon we will be able to have our cake AND eat it too.


How on earth do you rationalize the fact that more people are all of a sudden gonna go to work stoned just because it’s legal? People everyday in every industry take a "liquid " or “drug” lunch…including avionics techs, presidents, c.e.o.s, wal-mart workers etc etc. Or do meth or coke or whatever. Your mentality is part of the reason people are so fucking weird about it. Just because your drunk it’s clearly obvious…that stated alcohol is retarded just like the people who consume it to excess and wonder why they’re head hurts.

It depends on the person and how well they can tolerate certain drugs.

People definetly will at first, in the long run useage will probably decrease but at first theres going to be some serious abuse of the legalization.

People go to work high/drunk now, whether or not it is legal for them.

As long as the women don’t leave the kitchen like they tried to in the 1920’s, then I see no problem with it.


I think people high on something else invented meth. Seriously why else would anybody get the idea to mix sudafed and battery acid and smoke it?