Its still not legal, its just tolerated. Trust me if you’re being a douche, or have a large grow op, your ass is going to jail just like in the states
I could really care less either way legal or not !!But my question is this if they legalize it do the people in jail for pot charges, poession, selling weed, etc. get set free now because the law changed and it is now legal !!???
Ive never smoked weed in my life but Im all for legalizing it, why blow tons of money trying to rid the world of it when you can tax the shit out of it and make a boatload of cash? Legalizing marijuana could probably save 1000’s of state employees jobs across the country.
Not at all…look at Marc Emery…or any of the other people taking refuge in b.c. exactly beacause you aren’t treated like you are in the states. You need to do some research on this before arguing with me about it. But then come back and we can exchange verbalities yo’ ROFL
that would be the logical thing to do. its unfortunate that so many people are mislead when being educated about marijuana. marijuana is in no way a “gateway” drug; it will not lead you to try other, harder drugs. marijuana is less dangerous for you than alcohol; you cannot OD on marijuana, one can very easily OD on alcohol. marijuana does not impair you the way that other drugs do; it will not slow down your reaction times or thought processes. marijuana does not kill (see all anti drug commercials on TV :wtf) and marijuana is actually healthy for the brain; THC allows for increased connections between neurons which allows for a vaster thought process.
it is unfortunate that so many people are uneducated about the truth of marijuana and that so many are stuck in their ways about how bad it is and how it would ruin society :Idiots
Good point!!! I’d say they still sit in jail. It was illegal when they got caught!!
The legal status of marijuana in Canada is under dispute. Superior and appellate courts in Ontario have repeatedly declared Canada’s marijuana laws to be of no force and effect. However, challenges to marijuana laws at the federal level have not resulted in the deletion of the appropriate articles from the Criminal Code of Canada and the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. Police and prosecution services in other Canadian jurisdictions still pursue criminal charges for marijuana possession.[1]
The cultivation of cannabis is currently illegal in Canada, with exceptions only for medical usage. However, the use of cannabis by the general public is broadly tolerated.[2]
Again, Its not LEGAL. Its tolerated
Legislation: it is against the law to possess marijuana in Canada. If you have baggies, scales or other selling paraphenalia, you may be charged with trafficking.
Cannabis is schedule II in Canada (for more than 3 kg). Canada’s cannabis control laws are spottily enforced, with the west coast (British Columbia) being well known for its high quality cannabis and low levels of enforcement. In 2002, Canada’s federal government made several findings in favor of cannabis legalization and medical use approval. Although the status of medical cannabis is still in flux (sep 2002), the Canadian government has several times voiced its intention to support full medical use. Non-viable Cannabis seeds and Cannabis stalks (that do not include leaves, flowers, seeds or branches) are exempted.
In July 2000, an Ontario Court of Appeal ruled against the Canadian law because it did not address medical necessity and on July 31, 2001 a new regulation was enacted by the cabinet which addressed medical use. In January 2003, a lower Ontario court ruled simple possession laws banning cannabis unconstitutional, although it is unclear what the long term implications of this might be.
Law enforcement: Legaly you can still be arrested, but 90% of cops will just confiscate you stash and give you a warning.
Again…seeds are LEGAL, thats almost like it being legal…those are the key part to good srs weed. Not dirt from mexico… Just talking about seed here can get you arrested. Oh and about 0% of police enforce the marijuana laws because when they do…and they actually make it to court the judges throw the cases out. Stores sell all paraphenalia and again…seeds. Which are not deemed illegal because they are just fucking seeds. Canada has decriminalized which means it’s as good as legal, just keep it hush hush.
Love how u just copied and pasted that…did you read it? hahahaha
The dates on the info are from 7 years ago…hahaha
They said on AOTS that the tax would be $50 per ounce.
Find me something that says its 100% legal in canada. Everything I’ve found says otherwise
And yes, seeds are legal in canada, I understand that. They also come with a disclaimer that says they are not for growing where its illegal
Its 100% legal in my house.
Mine as well
Although its all gone now
You got a pube on the left side of your nuggg yo!!!
i was jsut gonna post that! :lol:lol:lol:lol guess we all know where he hides it, huh
Should tottally be legal. I need this shit to help my migrains. I used to smoke when I got headaches at times and worked better then pain relievers or proscription meds.
I take fiorecet for mine…have you ever tried them? My dad and I both get ocular migraines…that shit and some tubes and i’m totally good. ASk your doctor about the fiorecet…they’re usually pretty good about prescribing it. Has a mild narcotic in it, acitometephin and caffeine
Its probably a dog or cat hair! Little bastards get hair everywhere. I can tell you its not a pube bassed on the color!
yea didnt do shit . I now do epi pen shots to completly help. Caffeine helps the most , so excidren migrain usually works somewhat.