Cali is LEGALIZING Marijuana. Not just medicinal, either.

What I see happening with unregulated/untaxed legalized marijuana is this:

  1. Market grows huge, user base increases
  2. Users become pothead/bums/jobless/lazy/dead?
  3. Next generation of people see what went wrong, usages decreases considerably
  4. Market and usage stabilizes at low level

This happens over time though, NOT OVERNIGHT. Could be years/decades. But it’s natural selection. Strong survive.

^I think this is a good thing^

Exactly what will happen. Well put.

theres another huge cost for the government in terms of pot being illegal, and that is prosecution and imprisonment. its not cheap to jail people.

I think they are looking at it like this. They are gonna make SOME money from the people who dont want to take the time to grow it them self’s. They stand to make more money then they are now, and with a state as broke as California im sure any dollar they can get will be helpful

easy to grow you say?
good profit margin you say?

That’s the governments fault though. They should adjust fines, imprisonment costs ect to profit. But we all know how efficient our government is :facepalm

Ehhh, to get conditions JUST right, good genetics, electricity ect its not “cheap” but its not as costly as some people out there paying $350 an ounce for some pot

Washington State alone announced recently that they would save $105,000,000
per YEAR if marijuana was legally regulated.

Marijuana is US’ biggest cash crop whether the public or gov’t officials
wish to recognize that.

so…where do u get the good stuff? ive got room in the basement :smiley:

is it full out legality, or decriminalization? if they decriminialize it for possession up to XX amount it would make more sense, then if you are caught with over say 8oz on your person you pay a fine, not risk some bogus non violent minor possesion prison sentence, which in the end costs EVERYONE a ton of money, thus reducing states funding. where if they are fined, say 500$ for the possession of XX amount, the state will generate revenue whilst saving the tax payers money on encarciration and depopulating the prisons, making room for the real criminals.

i agree to exactly everything he said, to the letter and punctuation.

good job steve !

^ OMG +rep from Admin please! :rofl

this is regulated legalization, it’s already decriminalized in 14 states, including NY IIRC.

I love how they make it sound like weed is such a bad thing, when alcohol clearly kills more people in a year than homicide. Fucking crazy…

  • 1` yep its silly

NY is decriminalized, and its ready to go through for medical. IMO, give it 2-3 yrs and marijuana will be readily available for legal use.

well lets hope so…tired of this govt bullshit and killing of innocents across the globe…ready to move to canada.

Lots of places in canada are pretty bad. Pretty sure I read up to 6 months in jail for a single marijuana plant

that may be true, but its is legal in the entire country for medicinal uses and is decriminalized.

That is def not true…canada does not prosecute like that. In fact the seeds are legal in all of the territories, as well as possesion. You just cant get caught out on the street. Even then they just tell you to put it out. I go to canada 3 times a summer…i got that shit on lock.