Im not sure about what everyone else is thinking, but between all the random fish dieing, birds falling out of the air dead and now this…2012 isn’t looking too promising…
good thing Pete just bought a boat LOL
Key word in that story is “could”.
I can’t wait until December 22nd, 2012. Many lulz will be had, many idiots will be dead from mass suicides, and the world will continue to spin.
And if you’re wrong nobody will be around to prove you otherwise.
Win! :lol
your an idiot, the world isn’t gonna end and the bible is just a good fictional book…btw circles don’t have an end either.
Who remembers Y2K? Yea…the panic leading up to that. 11 years later and we are still here. Show me facts the world will self destruct 12/21/2012, other than jibberish written by a mad man in a language no one understands many years ago.
Wasnt it Mayans that originally coined the idea of 2012? And they are where now? lulz
Who are you referring to?
I’m disappointed. That does NOT have an LSx engine in it!
:admin:ban ban the emo!!! i kid he is just a cranky fawker
2012 is going to be so awesome. Chaos in your face.
Hopefully tons of insane people sell their nice shit dirt cheap a few weeks before.
This superstorm has happened several times and were still here. Just another meal for the conspiracy theorists to eat up.
Superstore? Like Walmart? :lol
LOL I wouldn’t even call it a GOOD fictional book, I’d rather read SSmokin SS posts all day than the bible.
iPhone autocorrect FTL.
I love people that spend their lives worrying about when the world is coming to an end, whats really sad is everyday you walk out the door could be your last and not from the end of the world but from just everyday life like car accidents.
This is why I just live my life not wondering or reading about if/when the world will end, you only live once why would you waste it in fear of some overpayed human making up these ridiculous stories.
:rofl :rofl :rofl
What he said…
What does this have to do with the Bible? Kinda quick to call someone an idiot no? The Bible does not specify a time, a date, or even a generation/range of years the world will end. The only thing it does is list stuff that will happen and once they all happen (a couple of which you could say already have happened)…then it means the end is near. Most of them have not happened, and I don’t see them happening for a while. I’m Christian, but I’m not like some of those crazy’s who’ve been saying for 100 years that the end is near. I don’t think it is. It won’t be in our generation. Please leave modern day faith out of the 2012 discussion. 2012 has nothing to do with todays modern faiths…it has 100% to do with the Mayan calendar and Mayan calendar only.
That being said, we will all be here on December 23rd, 2012 unless you die from natural causes or crime.
Agreed. Just live it the way you see fit. For some people that includes faith, for some it doesn’t. Cry about it. But there is no need for bashing faiths and the books they choose to put their faith into. Especially in this case as 2012 doesn’t have anything to do with religion/faith…it’s all based on what the Mayans thought hundreds of years ago. :facepalm
My mother in law is a jesus freak. I hate it. I still gave her a jesus fish tattoo because she likes it. I believe that the bible is a bunch of bullshit. I believe in evolution. /anti-religion PJB