I’m doing the LS1 front brake upgrade and one of the guide pins is completely rusted to the caliper bracket. Water must have gotten in the seal. Tried to PB blast it and it’s not coming out. Even if I could get the pin out (which definitely needs replaced), you think the bracket is toast too and I should just replace it instead of messing with it more? I don’t see it cleaning up enough to slide freely on the pin.
u have your engine and everything done i take it??? do u have software if we were to go to speednation or are you even still interested?
When me and smokey were changing his rear pads on his truck we had the same problem. I took a pair of plires held it verticle and gripped it at the lip on the pin. Then I just pulled the plires towards me with the plires using the bracket for leverage. Came out with a few tries. Both sides were like this. If you take it easy you can do it w/o damaging the pin at all. Then we cleaned out the inside of the bracket with a small fine file…just to get the crud out.
Why would he need his motor done to do a brake upgrade? I’m pretty sure he dropped the entire front K-member, suspension (w/ brakes), motor and tranny as one unit. I bet he’s working on the brakes while it’s all out and just sitting there.
Anyway, I’d say just replace 'em.
just come get better ones jeff!
That would work too! I’ll try to stop done this evening.
And no the engine isn’t done. Still waiting on Canton to fix the valve covers I got from them. I was just going to get the engine running without any brakes (no use bleeding them twice), but I’ll probably have them done before they get around to addressing my problem. :rolleyes:
As far as tuning, I’m going to see how the mail order tune works out first. Last time the A/F looked pretty darn good. And funds are a little short right now.
Ya if this is your pride and joy…just replace them…get that thing done man…I have yet to see it
:nono: :slap: :ugh2: :ugh: :down:
:doh: :scared: :wtcslap: :spank: :nuts: :eek4:
my fast chips always worked well!:booty:
Back in business with the brakes. Thanks again to JJ’s. :bigthumb:
Can I assume that you guys have used LS1 calipers lying around at JJ’s? Hmmm, I might be coming to visit again…
i run into that problem all the time at work. i just use one of those tiny screwdrivers and slip the rubber boot off of the pin, then heat the bracket with the torches, smack it with a hammer a few times, give a few twists with a pair of vise grips and out it comes. then i have a bunch of different caliber rifle brushes to clean the holes out and clean the pins on a bench grinder/wire wheel unless they’re too bad, then i just replace them for a few bucks.