caliper pins problem

hey can someone help me out here

i need to free up the pins in my caliper. does any one know how? or if it can even be done?

What pins are you talking about? 300zx pad pins or the “sliders” on 240sx calipers?

I’m assuming you mean the sliders on your stock calipers. These things get seized all the time. Use some penetrating oil and let it sit for a few hours. Come back later and force the buggers out. Stick the caliper in a bench vice and pull 'em till they come out.

You should buy new ones and rebuild the calipers properly, or, if you’re a cheap ass like me you can sand them down with some fine grit paper to remove all the built up rust and sh*t. Then grease them, clean up the rubber gromits (providing they aren’t torn) and put the calipers back together. Getting the rubber seals back on can be a pain in the ass but with some patience you’ll get it.

Pull the rubber seals back and heat it. Heat the bracket it’s self not the pin. Put a vise grip on the end of the pin and work it back and forth and she’ll be out in like 2mins max.

^^^^^^^smash it with a hammer too, allow to cool then sand it down and use propper lube. Works every time. Reason to not heat the pin itself is because it may weaken it and when ur hitting/twisting the pin it may break inside the caliper.

I do this everyday. Don’t smash it with a hammer. That butcher style. You won’t break the pin if you heat it.

“^^^^^^^smash it with a hammer too, allow to cool then sand it down and use propper lube.”
Yea i ment smash it after heating it…its still sometimes a b!tch when its heated up and your twisting it with the vicegrips. hit it to shock it then twist and it will be all that much easyer. no torche or propane heater u gota butcher it.

Yah, and I mean never smash it with a hammer. IF your not prepared for the job don’t do it. Having it heated and smashing it with a hammer is even worse, the metal would be softer.