so after changing only the inner pads on le cackord for the last 2 years or so i figure i should pull the calapers off and clean the sliders up
i have some pb blaster and a vice, whats the best way to go about doin this? they just pull straight out once theyre off the car im guessing? what should i put on them to get them to stay smooth?
Bench vise and try to turn them out with a socket, that usually works very well for me. Spray some Liquid Wrench in there first as i would assume that the rubber boots are all but a distant memory, otherwise you run the risk of snapping them off in the carrier. Just had to do this on the womans car.
Good idea would be to purchase a set of reman calipers, because hey brakes stop you and keep you alive. Even if you do unstick the bolts you will not get the rust out of the bore and it is bound to happen again
Because most auto parts stores sell calipers with new sliders/carriers. I imagine you could just buy new sliders/carriers from the dealer, but at that point you would be better off buying a whole reman caliper
I am not going to sit here and argue with jandj.I will say this for once and for all.Stop sweating my nuts.I do not care what you think about me,going out of your way to express it on a web forum just proves how much you really need to grow up.You have no idea of my automotive background.I also have worked on alot of forum members cars.I imagine you wont find one complaint, Except maybe I am way to busy to get to there cars(oh and one very horrid brake line experience that I did not have the necessity or time available to repair).I have done lots of caliper slider services.Replacing the calipers is a good idea.It is not cost effective.With a file you can easily clean the rust out of the holes and once they are properly lubed the sliders will outlast the life of this car.Second I would not charge jam as he is a highly entertaining individual who has left me absolutely speechless at meets.In conclusion If you hate me so much hit the fucking ignore button as me and my horrid grammar are not going anywhere.