Call a drunk to tow a drunk

-20 year old crashes car into tree
-20 year old calls 21 year old to help tow car.
-cops show up and find 21 year old pulling 20 year olds car
-both are drunk. 21 year old .13bac / 20 year old .18bac
-cops find 3rd person involved. 20 year old who was in car that hit tree, now trying to help towing process.
-cops find pipe with marijuanna contents inside and arrest him.
-all took place on Salt in Clarence.

I dont know what to say to this one besides the fact that these guys are retarded.


love dem country boys

As someone who grew up in the country: this happens pretty regularly.

Clarence is the country?

Salt Road is. it’s not all mansions and new developments like everyone thinks it is. I used to live right down the road from Swormville, you’d be surprised how country it gets as soon as you cross Transit.

I don’t know the area at all out there, so yes it was half sarcastic.

A few years ago a friend was having a party at his place in Eden. One of his quads got stuck in the mud, so another friend pulled his truck up as he was leaving, and they attatched it to a tow strap. He yanked it out of the mud, thought they had disconnected, and continued on his way home. The quad was still attatched to his truck.

My one friend jumped off the quad after a mile or so, and the kid continued drunkenly driving home with a quad attatched to his truck by a tow strap. Took out a few mailboxes. Was finally pulled over when he got to the village and a cop saw wtf was going on. Got a dwi and shit

Idiots. But yeah, country shit man.

Gotta have stories to tell the step kids.

I guess thats a country area… I figured country wouldnt be a 5 minute drift away from Transit road. I’d have to say the country starts at Akron.

Have some of you never driven around this area? lol

Lots of country still left in Clarence before you hit Akron etc

Lol fuck yes, wouldn’t expect Eden any less retarded I mean comeon we had drive ur tractor to school day


He got arrested for having a pipe?

Well I mean when everyone at the scene is noticeably intoxicated and you then find a pipe WITH contents inside, yeah, i’d say that warrants an arrest.

Oh my fuck a pipe with contents

I’m surprised I don’t know them, and I wasn’t involved.

Better luck next time.

My guess was that the cops/troopers wanted to set an example to the kid. Since he wasnt intoxicated like his friends but was helping them out and also didnt stop his friend’s from driving… The officer probably went with what ever he could get the kid for, being the pipe.

I have mutual friends with 1 of the kids (per facebook anyway)… Looks to be a Marine?