Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2

forza 3 send me cars


My last HQ game I went 22 kills 42 deaths and ended up with the most points. The best way to get points is to go running into the HG spraying bullets and dropping grenades like a suicide bomber. :rofl

:rofl win

That was the second time I played on Xbox. I was so pissed and frustrated I started playing the single campaign on ps3 and played and excessive amount on PSN Online. Got to know the maps and weapons came back on Xbox to bring my stats up. Ive become more patient which helped my K/D ratio and Accuracy tremendously. Guns with 3 round bursts help accuracy as it usually counts three hit everytime u hit.

Headquarters and Domination do not help your K/D ration. Not unless u want to win If you camp outr a spot it can do wonders but your primarily worthless. In domination I sit and watch a flag let them capture it, kill them and recapture for more points. Killcams Suck I hate them.BoxerSix loves watching the Killcams to offset his noob status when he comes over and wrecks havoc on all my hard work on my K/D ratio

Luckily I could give a crap about my k/d ratio. I dont even know what it is, probably expressed in scientific notation.

I havent been playing as much as I was, already. :lol I got back into Counter-Strike, and I just picked up Heavenly Sword.

anyone gunna be on later???

Chopper Gunner is awesome… total mayhem on domination.

i will have to say my game has improved since i have unlocked some fmj’s on my guns, kills are a lot more efficient, which equals out to me dying less

need like 15 million bucks

send me cars plz

i’ll send you a barret .50 sniper rifle?


An Indian w/ a .50? Pass.



idk im kidding, im gonna get warfare next month prolly, i mean prolly in jan, right now, forza is wasting ALL MY TIME and not allowing me to get a quarter of the work done i used to get done… this sucks, my bro just got another copy and we are using my backup xbox to double tv the shit up and race online, now its even worse… i thought i was gonna cut down…


really starting tomorrow this comes to an end…

either way send me cars

thats fine, i prefer something automatic, someof these mother fuckers drive too dirty online, if i could pop a few caps in their grills i think it would clean shit up

Played so much MW2 over the holiday… And yes Domination/CTF makes your K/D ratio BLOW.

They need to remove the nuke from the game. It’s annoying worrying if someone has a 20 killstreak going when you are trying to play objective based games.

I did get my first 25 kill streak though.

You got nuked??

I have been nuked, but I got a 25 kill streak on Rust.

Went 35:1.

Too bad I didn’t have the nuke unlocked.

My KTD is going up, but I’ve got to start playing other game types as I’m getting a bit bored myself.

Maybe I’ll get used to Hc.

In WaW all I played was HC but it’s not the same in Mw2.

Lately I’ve been playing hardcore Team deathmatch i find it much more of a challenge