Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2

I am in WiiDevi7 (in movie announcer voice)!

Wayne that one shoot out we had was awesome!

hell yea it was! i’m gonna play for a bit now while wifey is in the shower hehe.

I probably wont be on for a while. I have my daughter till like 8 tonight.

gtp-sg-gsr is me…lol…I havent been playing too much…

yea thats you! you aren’t on here much either so i had no idea who the hell you were. lol

I only play for short periods of time…I need to start clearing out a whole weekend so I can play…lol

I only really get to play in the wee hours. Thats also when theres no annoying little kids on, thats a big plus in my book.

On another note, I really need to find my headset!

I finally had “Rust” come up for the first time in Team Deathmatch. Awesome that level is a pure slaughter fest 42 kill but 28 deaths just ran around the outside knifing and shooting everything.

Vovchandr is an elite camper.

It’s not camping until somebody sees and catches you :ninja

Dont forget useless at anything that isnt scored by a sick kill/death ratio.


So Vlad’s a noob basically.

Yes. Dont get me wrong, he makes up for my reckless “run into the line of fire” deaths in Team Deathmatch, but in Domination or HQ, he’s just there to frustrate the other team.

That’s why I tend to not play those matches ^ :lol

If I didn’t start competing for my accuracy % with a friend, I’d be reckless again.

I’m not hating, your K/D ratio’s are impressive. Problem is team domination/HQ that doesn’t work. I get bored of Team Deathmatch though.

And if me and Vlad are in the same party, we typically dont lose a match.

I just friended everyone on PSN


JVG was on XBL last night, which surprised me.

What amazed me is that he actually did well :lol


You can get a ton of points in HQ/domination as well.