Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2

you did not get the new one last night? i assumed wifey wouldn’t let you out late cause you didn’t text me back.

I started playing the campaign, just did the airport mission. Fucking crazy

God dammit… i want to get this game already

PC version is on usenet…

not sure about torrents

I’ve been sick as fuck lately. Benadryl owned me.

Wayne add me on 360 gamertag: ry woot

Steam version has been out since last thursday on torrent sites.

EDIT: Nvm, just checked TL again and there is a patch/crack and a non-steam release. Nice.

i have ps3

i hate you

Best single player campaign i’ve ever had the pleasure of completing. EPIC.


Do you guys have JOBS!? :rofl

Anyone that wants to pla me Sketchmasterfle on 360

i have today & tomorrow off


I’m at the point where I just blew up the fuel depot. So far, I’m impressed. Nice presentation, nice graphics, and so far so good.

Snowmobiles were fun. IIya, You’ll hit the airport mission soon, had an interesting ending thats for sure

Being bad is fun. I hate the free for all deathmatch, its really lacking. The team deathmatch has grown on me quite a bit today.

wayne did you seriously beat the campaign already ya crazy fuck?

I’m way past that already. I just did the mission with the panic room murder or what not. Starting the oil rig. This game is awesome. The end.

Dammit. Beat the campaign in 4 hours.