Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2

Yup, got outta night class at 9, played till about 5am :rofl. Kept doing the “1 more game” thing, and now Im beat!! lol

I keep playing til I have a really bad game. Then I got to bed pissed about it.

My class tonight was just canceled due to weather on this beautiful bright sunny day so I’ll be on.

Nice, send me a request and Ill play later

I’ll be on around 6 or 7 I think.

Yeh i should def be on later tonite.

Haha +1

Whatever you do, if you are already in a bad mood. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE start playing COD. Shit will hit the fan.

On a side note, I can’t remember what I said but I told my g/f about something she did that annoyed me this morning. She burst out with "Well you wanna know what annoys me?! (In the fake European Accent and all) Enemy Harrier Incoming, UAV on the way, Grenade Out, "

She kept going on, and I was laughing so hard I couldn’t breathe lol. It was pretty funny.

Ask Vlad about my Russian. I now try to recite most of the Russian lingo in the stages. :rofl


Dude, i was doing more shit talking then killing. Then I started team killing because the one kid was getting butt hurt

Lol, I don’t know if you heard me but after that, I said “I think it’s quite apparent that Jason was indeed on our team, despite the roster.”


I didnt want to highlight that since we still got annihilated pretty bad…

Whatsuuuuupppp howdayalikemenaaaaowoowwwwwwww

Either be happy for me or stfu. :rofl

OMG you had a HORRIBLE team lol. Not one single person other than you killed more people than they died, lol. Time for a new lobby.

I see one… just sayin. Nice score.

nice playing with you guys tonight :thumbup

I have fully ranked both the Scar and ACR at this point so I moved onto another Assault tonight.

Let me just say the M16 Assault rifle is fucking awesome. Its a 3 round burst and with Damage on it annihilates everyone. I am in love with this gun!!

Fully ranked counting prestige levels for the gun too?

I haven’t maxed any gun out yet.

I am not sure, all I know is that the Guns Challenges all say done. Do they change after you prestige?

By gun challenges you mean the kills/headshots for each gun? If so than they don’t change but you get two more added to each gun - prestige total kills and prestige headshots.