Call Of Duty: World at War.

no i got knifed once so far and it was by someone on my team.

i dont expect to kill everyone with one shot, but 2 clips later and still nothing gets annoying. plus a head shot=dead. but not with this game.

im with Laura on this one… but thats why i only play hardcore… but im just a hardcore person I guess? :bigthumb:

haha yea thats what ive been playing once i got to level 18 and its better but not by much. i think im gonna stay at level 65 on this one.

Looks awesome. I guess will stick with SOCOM series instead. more on my level of easy games :rofl:

Never was a fan of COD

COD 4 had better weapons, and maybe even maps but zoombie mode is pretty awesome. I would get the new socom instead also, except that the server is absolutely horrible.

I kinda like it. I haven’t playedtoo much so far but I really like the Zombie mode. I’m not a fan of the list of guns. My girlfriend’s nephews have it so I’ll probably just play it then.

How can you say the online blows…

I have 12 hours into Hardcore Seek and Destroy & Headquarters.

I have no problem dropping people, The Stopping power perk is def required when not playing Hardcore.

my brother plays this game a lot, says online is the only aspect of the game worth playing. i might pick it up just because everyone i know has it haha.

its a cool game ,basically the same as cod 4 just with different themes. I like it dogs piss me off tho, helicopters were easier to hide from lol.

I think I’m gonna pick it up today, I have some best buy gift cards from my birthday.

my only ****ing controller broke, i havent been able to play in about 2 weeks. This sucks.

ive been busy so i havent had the chance to play it that much. i still dont really like it all that much but when playing with friends its alot of fun. i like the private chat so you can still talk to your team while playing S&D even when your dead

i just got it and i love it. my gamertag is beatniksoldier add me if any of u want to play. I suck but its fun.

damn i really need to get the net so i can play some COD…i’m going thru COD withdraw :rofl:

ya that game’s fun as hell. Can’t stop playing it. BigMacK_dsmer Ima add u

Haven’t played much multiplayer yet, but the campaign mode seems to be harder than it was on COD4.

good game…the online keeps getting better.
my PS3 tag is KeyserSoze41
i’m usually on in the evenings after 8

I’ve been playing a ton of the zombie game online, its almost more fun than the actual game

Double-XP for The Big Game this weekend!

In lieu of the festivities which will no-doubt keep most of you in front of your TV’s all weekend, we’ve decided to initiate yet another weekend of Double-XP Jan 30 – Feb 1 to compliment The Big Game!

Not only will you be receiving Double-XP, but we’re introducing two new playlists to the Xbox 360 and PS3 by popular request: Team Tactical (4v4) and Mercenary TDM (no parties allowed)! Team Tactical will pit two teams of four against each other in a random rotation of all the Team-Based gametypes.

It all starts tomorrow morning PST (Friday the 30th)

Thanks for the great suggestions on those playlists, and keep 'em coming in the Forums. We’ll see you online!

Regards, -JD (Go Cardinals)

Awesome, I will have to play some today and level up.