Call Of Duty: World at War.

intresting they did this 2 weeks ago with double xp. Guess ill stop playing bioshock and start killing people on live agian. I hit 65 but have no eal intrest in doing prestege

yea but its super bowl weekend. I really don’t want to prestige yet either. I really like the carbine and am working to the extended clip. we had a party yesterday with the newer guys on team deathmatch that resulted in a 14 game win streak. I had to call it around 4:30 I’m like “guys, we got to get off our asses and get our drink on!”

I still played a good bit, I had the M1a1 from the start since i had a code from Gamestop. I never got used to it, got more used to the normal M1 Garand. Im working on my sniping now, War is pretty good since most of the maps are huge.

I cant stand playing core HQ, but its the best for me to gain XP(garenteed 600pts+ a game if your not a retard. Starboy and all of his friends are way to good at Seek and Destroy… mode reminds me too much of Counter Strike, that and I cant be sneaky.

silencer camo and dead silence are key for hardcore. I just hate the fact that i get hit once and die then have to wait so long to respawn. it teaches you better gameplay in all other game types though, I only play when my friends are on, the one dude in their parties is ranked 16th in the world hardcore search and destroy. insane. me hiding = win. I guess that beats playing all the fagget noobs with juggernaut in core mode.

heh, i sent you a friend request, I dont play all that much during the week tho, weekends are my big play time


i didnt get a chance to go back on this weekend for the double points. im not going to prestige on COD5 anyways so i guess it didnt matter. just going back to COD4 now :smiley:

st-fu faggort

got it Dom. I’m usually on most of my free time.

I prestiged last night even though I said I wouldn’t. It just got so boring. Now it’s really fucking hard again but I got [Wig Splitter] now so it’s all over like you wouldn;t believe. Sit-down central baby w000!!

DO you still have that code? Think it will still work. That carbine is [Solid] as hell. The garand and gewehr can suck it.

I used it when I got the game. Thing is it puts it in your first pre-setup slot(Rifleman) when you prestege i think that slot is gone after your first prestege.

play alot of Core HQ and rock the Tommy, that gun is just outstanding no matter what lvl you are.

says the guy who said he’s selling his xbox “Bc it takes up too much of my time”

Its winter, wtf else is there to do.

New Map pack planned. Intrested in the new Zombie map. The one gets anouying after lvl 15 or so.


adam will enjoy this

I finally got sniper scope for the Garand last night. Holy shite was that a pita and drove my kd into the ground. It should be sick though.

Bolt action here I come (ugh)

scope for the M1 is poop, better off using one of the other bolt actions if your trying to snipe.

rate of fire is so horrid on bolt actions, I’m trying to figure out if slight of hand or double tap increases rof at all. The damage on them is great in open maps but for headquarters they’re pretty much a death wish if you miss.

I play alot on Ps3…Got to 65, said i wouldnt prestige…Got bored and did it anyway…Now i just finished again and i will probably get bored and do it one more time lol…Zombies can’t keep me entertained that much i’m starting to get a little bored with it sometimes

True, but HQ is all about DPS(i cant belive im using a wow term)… guns like the Thompson and MP40 fucking rule HQ.

I agree the M1 scope stinks. I just got it last night and am bummed.

I have never played any other but Team Deathmatch and Free for All. Is HQ cool?

HQ is just teamDM but capture and hold a point on the map. You can walk away with 500-800pts a map if your doing good.

might have to try that out tonight. 500+ is great