okay, im usually not one to but in…but SHUT YOUR MOUTH!..dont comment on stuff you know nothing about. most people wont turbo taurus, but he did, and i rode in the car…its fucking fast…and i DO NOT CARE wether or not you think is “a gay car”
and its YOUR OPINION on wether or not someone is wasting money, i dont feel he did, and im sure as hell alex doesnt think he did either. cant you respect the fact he did something different and was successful at it? some people like sneakiness…a civic has no sneakiness…unless your referring to the ones with the (sweet fartcans/altezzas/rims/horrible fitting spraypainted bodykits) ones that look like they are fast but they are sneaky about their complete and udder slow and gheyness.
BTW i own/drive a civic so dont think im biased or anything
and im done.