callout:ericvw v. cky89

im excited for the summer meets.there turning out good already and its only been a week of spring

if i was the chase car i’d catch up to them lol


This’ll prolly be the only night I’ll run anyone in the VR so anyone who wants to run here’s your only chance.

omg brian where has that guy been i love that guy

OK then where in, I guess I need to get a bigger mem card for the cam, Im on it then, It’ll be a good time

Ugh this is gonna be nuts. Back to school now ttyl lol.

you r still a noob last season was was your first season out and it was like mid season…every year the meets start out good then after a month or two they die out and every great once in a while you will see a big turn out…just filling you in you still got some time to learn welp see ya later

ill call rrsti this weekend to see if he will be down for some runs he is a cool mother fucker he could def pull paul but i dunno if he is out and about yet

wtf how am i running someone now lol.

u know how bad im gonna rape a stockish evo?

me and rich (letitroll) are doing a few pulls tomorrow night to datalog log his car, thats about it so far lol

You said to me on AIM earlier this week that you wanted to rape those evo’s

heres your chance!

and I’m rollin with you if you do run him.

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hahaha big gulps huh… cool… welp see ya later

im not that new brian im aware of how it goes

lol if u really want to see it that bad…

yes u are lol…look at your last post(im excited for the summer meets.there turning out good already and its only been a week of spring) hahaha

you should run rrsti

whats wrong with my last post.i have no idea what your talking about ?

is he still on the fpgreen? or did he upgrade again

he is still on fp green but he did some shit over winter but im not 100% sure it should be a good run tho i think he is tuned for like 29psi on race gas

never mind agreed to disagree its goin to be a fun summer