Callout: Mindless or any 11sec or better cars. :-)

talking on here while at my desk is not the same as being on the road to rochester or at the garage in the back. same goes for my guys

I grew up in Rochester, glad i didnt stick around long enough to get as retarded as some of you seem to be.


if you guys want to race so badly why not just come here? Its hard to get everyone organized for a big trip to rochester because everyone has different shit going on that out ranks the car scene. I can vouch for Turbo being busy all of the time. You guys seem to be down for this whenever… so why dont you just come here? :gotme:

Like he said before. Rochester is in the middle of buffalo and syracuse. It seems like the best place to meet.

It seems like all the buffalo guys in this post talk all the trash and the syracuse and rochester guys do all the racing. I think its time to close this thread.

It seems like the Buffalo guys have better things to do on Saturdays and Sundays then to drive to Rochester to race their cars…or spend all week fixing their cars…

Ok, and what is the sense of trash talking and saying you’ll race someone if you don’t even have the time to fix your car?

Better yet, most of the trash talkers in this thread either don’t have a car, have a broken car, or aren’t even in ny.

I appreciate the Rochester guys showing us a good time when we do come out there. Bunch of stand up guys compared to these buffalo clowns.

They said they would race you guys…

They have lives that don’t revolve around cars…

Why don’t you blame baby jesus for making it rain the weekend they wanted to come down???

I don’t understand how you guys can dedicate every Saturday and Sunday night to street racing…Guess there is nothing else to do around there?

We don’t. I go out every friday and saturday night after the family is in bed to street race. I spend the weekends with the family but we make an exception on sundays when we go out to race in rochester.

If I’m not racing, then I’m home with the family. I have all the time in the world to fix my car but it just doesn’t seem to break. I don’t like pushing the limits of the stock block so 150 shot will do.

live life 1/4th mile at a time?

Live life by my family. After that, I’ll 1/4, 1/8, 1/10. Whatever you’re gonna bet on.

I’m just going to restate what I already said- I think we should ALL organize an event for the ppl who have been involved in all the garbage talk (including myself) and actually man up and race.

If not then threads like these are pointless and it just proves how easy it is to shit talk over a computer. And then I agree with pete in that this thread should just end.

Again- this event needs to work out in everyone’s interest and hopefully only the rain wont show up and not the cars.

And Sunday nights in the ROC are dedicated to anybody with a car who wants to go out and have fun- if they race they race and if they want to even come out then its up to them. Its not like we have some blood initiation ceremony that demands you come out and race EVERY single Sunday night.

Big grudge races at NYIRP sounds a little interesting.

I come down, and no one races me (but bebe). And I am the slowest of the bunch. Everyone is all talk, no race. Its fine not to race, not everyone is all into cars, all the time, but then don’t talk so much shit. Simple as that.

I don’t even know why this is still here. Get the fuck out and stand up for all the talk everyone has. Thats the only way to not sound like idiots.

just checking but this is still a car related site rite???
for racing and car talk??

or for bitching and making excuses.
or if everyone has better things to do then cars and racing then what other hobbies are they and dont say porn:nono:

Ill race you mark very soon. muuuhhhaahhhh… maybe sunday if all goes well. If i my tuning is done by then.

See my problem is that I believe that internet shit-talking carries over into the real world. I HATE pussies with keyboard muscles. So if I go there I know I’m gonna get arrested, because to really be honest, all bullshit aside… I’d rather fight than race. But either way, I’ll still come.

Hah, I will definitely be there. I want to see this.

the funny thing is u guys think hes joking

u do realize there is always someone stronger??
saying u would rather fight then race on the net is being the same as the people u dont like rite?