Camera Gurus

Lurk ebay…

Will definitely keep you in mind. Nikon stuff or Canon stuff too?

Another thing, OP, that you might want to consider messing with to see what you like is this:

I got both my lenses on Amazon after researching them and I got my camera body with the kit lense from Mr. Cobalt on here (I don’t know what the hell his name is - some posts refer to him as Chris and some as Leo - :rofl).

this is like intel vs amd

just wasting your time… buy either

Pretty much.

Prime lenses. /thread

B&H Photo ftw


B&H is an awesome store (especially in person) but one thing that really sucks is having to pay NYS tax on everything.

Believe it or not, NewEgg is where I’ve bought a lot of my more expensive items (70-200, 35L and 580exII).

Nick peepin while he’s creepin the soccer chicks. I like it. Lemme know if you need assistants to “shoot”.

Also for used stuff (b&h has a used store too) and unique photo.