Can I build a 1000+ Horsepower engine? Apparently so.

Just a quick post, and then I am out of here for a while.

To all the skeptics, continue to think what you will. I will go to no great lengths to prove anything to you or explain anything to you, wait until the final product puts down numbers HERE, in BUFFALO.

To all the guys who never doubted me and believed in what I have been working on, a sincere Thank You.

I will probably be out of the loop for a short time, a fallout with the girlfriend has left me numb. I cannot think nor feel like I did about cars for a little while, the passion for things like that went along with her. To think that there is even a chance that the amount of time I spent working on my projects in any way impacted our relationship kills me.

The things in life like this really put it all into perspective, how utterly unimportant in the scheme of things what we do is. Sure, we do what we love, its our passion- but it isnt everything. We are arguing and creating E-enemies over numbers on paper for things that arent even finished.

At any rate, I’ll be back soon… I need to get my head on straight again.

Edit: To answer TurdBlows question a few posts below, YES, I personally assembled the parts, and shipped blanks/prototypes back and forth with the manufactures for MONTHS. Eventually, we completed two versions, a Low Boost configuration, and based on that, the High Boost version. Very similar overall. There are at LEAST 3 dozen parts on this car that I designed, and at least 2 dozen of those parts were built/modified locally by local “non-automotive” machine shops, so I dont exactly think they had much input on my designs :rolleyes: