Can I build a 1000+ Horsepower engine? Apparently so.


also whens your car gonna be done???


well, at this point, I have two holdups: Flywheel, and Tuning software.

June 1 is my LATEST date for the flywheel, and it had god damn well better be here before then or they WILL be hearing from a lawyer. It was originally slated for Mid-March, then a cocky salesman gave me the bump because he is a douchebag… and the one who caused ALL of my flywheel issues from day 1. Its totally done in the design stage & I have approved the solid models for production (Kudos to Tilton Engineering Department), just needs to be machined and shipped.

Tuning software is the next hiccup. If HPTuners doesnt get off their asses soon and release Dodge support, I will have to scale back my P&H injectors to 70 lb so they work with my piggyback (originally was going to be handling only boost, and wasnt going to have to scale the injectors… a la HPT)

Once the above is sorted out one way or the other, the car will be Supercharged. Depending on the status of problem #2, that will dictate how much horsepower I can make, based on whether I am running 72 lb or 96 lb injectors.

And I cant forget the whole myriad of other changes I am making this spring, already stockpiling parts. Fuel system updates (now 2400 horsepower capable, and will be BOTH returnless AND return! ever heard of that before? didnt think so! another VSP exclusive) New valve and lock configuration, tapered 3/8 to 5/16 instead of std 5/16 pushrods, revised breather system, Carbon Fiber PST Driveshaft, Quaife diff, Mark Williams shafts, dropping 36 pounds off with 2-pc rotors, new wheels, etc… etc.

In other words, hopefully July it will be a running driving completed VS-1000SC (Hell, Maybe VS-1250SC now? LOL) I’ll probably leave it that way until next fall, then take all the SC parts off, and replace with the TT platform.