Can I cover my amp with plexi and not over heat it?


Amp is coming in tomorrow…All wires ran…Should be plug and play! Next week when I get paid carpet is coming and its gonna be complete!

Looks good. I mounted and wired up my Sirius into the wife’s old GP, and realized that I kind of miss messing around with car audio stuff.

I’m trying to picture how the fans will mount. Did you leave room in the amp well for them to go on the left and right of the amp, flush with the plexi?

F-B-A: what size fuse should he use for the +12 to the relay? A little above the amperage of both fans combined? Same thing for choosing a relay size I would assume.

86 Should be grounded not have 12V on(will not trigger with +12 going to both sides of coil), Nice diagram though will print it out for the messups i work with…

most car audio relays are 30/40 amps. the standard ones anyway, I would see what everything pulls then add a few amps to be safe, because most of that stuff is rated at 12V. but the car runs @ 14+ volts. I wouldent put to much thought into it i would throw a 10-15amp in it can call it a day.


Ok, My sub has a pos and neg for the LED light…How should I wire up the two fans AND the LED?

hahahahahha SORRY! hahaha, i was thinking remote start neg. status whie doing that! OOPS,!!! I hear ur condescending sarcasm though, here is the correct way

fmf is correct, replace 86 with a grounded wire, 87 should remain 12v constant input. and as for the fuse ratng thats going to depend on the draw for the fans.

thanks for pointing that out, he’d hAVE been like WTF!!!

Ok, heres another question…and BTW thanks for everyones help…I got the amp in today…Hooked it up…Sounds decent…But I wanna bridge it and dont wanna blow the sub…Heres what Im workin with… AND

that audiobahn amp is goona last about 4 days, sorry im not trying to be a dick, but they stopped making their shit for a reason,

did you seal the enclosure with silicone?

is the air space correct for the sub?

I noticed ur abundance of expandable foam, but did you seal that with anything?

the most important part of building your system is to build the enclosure to spec, and seal it completely.

if you dont the sub iis goona die fast

Sealed with silicone, Just over a half of a foot over on the correct air space, sealed with calking…

okay, well most amps are Left positive right neg. for bridging, although i didnt read the spec on either your amp or the sub, so double check that the rms output when bridged to the ohm load youll be in will be equall to or less than the rms power handling of the sub itself

alright if you wire that sub for 2ohm operation youll be giving it 600 watts max acording to the spec sheet, the sub claims it can handle 1200 watts so it should be safe

Ok, so if the sub is 600 watt RMS 1200 PEAK and the amp bridged is 900x1 I should prob turn down the gain?

gain wont adjust the wattage output like a “wattage control knob” of any sort. the gain is for matching the voltage out put of the source unit.

id say youll be fine, i know audiobahn likes to overestimate thier wattage outputs

if the amp claims its 900x1 2ohm, is that rms / max/ average/ expected, and at what voltage did they rate that at

ex 900x1 @2ohm/ 14.4volts

Chaz is the man

Ditto! Thanks a lot…Bridgin it tomorrow after class…PRAYIN:x: I dont blow the sub

Welllll I bridged it…Turned the head unit up half way, and the amp goes into protection…Any suggestions?

How is it tapped into your audio source? I had an amp that did this until i got a 2 wire speaker to 2 rca inline converter thing-mah-jig. It’s probably something wired funky…

Bridged brought the ohm load to low.

Debridge and you should be fine

also double check your ground, good solid ground, not sheet metal, sanded to bare metal, not scuffed paint, and be sure the ground wire is equal to or largewr than the power wire, as well as short as possible, then turn ur gain all the way DOWN, start from there if you are still experiencing protection, unbridge it

finished pics?