can i take this to court ??

if i had a camera mouted in my car and it was viewing my spedo me driving and the time of day and i got pulled over for speeding and it was still running and the cop said to me you were 10 over the limit when in fact i was doing the limit could that video tape hold up in court ??? or is there something saying that it couldve been altered or some stupid shit

worth a shot

i’d definately take it in

a few years ago on the news they caught cops fawlifing tickets. they mounted a camera at teh minivans speedo and it was at hte legal speed limit. the cop pulled them over said they were speeding they showed the cop the tape and in fact his radar gun was miscalculated. that ticket and any other ticket issued by using that radar gun was torn out.

all i would say it has to have the date and time displayed on the screen while recordeing

they use them cameras to bust us so i would use your tape to prove the were wrong … i got a ticket for speeding and i was only going 37in a 35mph zone …and i was in my civic that ain’t got no balls at all

They will argue that the speedo is not calibrated I bet. They have certification that their equipment is calibrated and up to par… do you? I know it sounds stupid but they will fight it any way they can. I had the idea to use a quickcam lense to record that (also have a rearview camera this way) but never got around to actually doing it.

If u was able to get the sound of the cop car pulling u over and u have the whole conversation between u and the cop I would use it. If u can also see the cop and have the date and time.

worth a shot. get a statement from a shop that your speedo is correctly calibrated.

how does the dumb stop watch hold up in court? is it easy to fight this

90% of stop watch tickets get thrown out

thanks. i figured it wasnt a very actuate way of doing it. the cop could start the clock late then hit it early and have less seconds meaning your going faster.

You mean like VASCAR? What’s the spacing on VASCAR? I think I figured this out once how much being off by a second would affect things.

they told me .053 of a mile

VASCAR is 100 foot increments I think.

you want to speed come to hickory there are no cops after 12noon … i think the lines are 100 ’ apart some are not even close.

Moon snagged me, but not with Vascar. They had one cop timing me. Where Vascar I believe is to.

If its one cop operating it, the margin of error is much greater. Since the distance perspective of when you crossed each line is not fully accurate

read the info on that whole case. Its from Allegheny county even.

Here is the beginning: