Can police laser two cars at once??

I was on 87 yesterday heading north and I see a cop plain as day 1/4 mile if not further ahead of me… Theres a red civic Si like 30 ft ahead of me in the same lane and as the civic and I pass the cop pulls out… The cop pulls in front of me to try and pull the civic over… Civic is going pretty fast so the cop lets him go… I go into the right lane about to get off nearest exit to pretend I dont know hes trying to get me and he boxes me in and sticks his hand out the window signaling me to pull over…

He tells me he lasered me AND the civic at the same time and I was doing 84… I had my cruise control on 75 and there is no fucking way I was doing 84…

Question is, is it really possible to radar/laser two cars, in the same lane, within 30-40 ft apart of eachother??

Did you tell the cop your cruise control is set to 75? If not just go to court.

Even if he did that, the cop could’ve ticketed him for 10-20mph over the limit (depending on what part of northway).

Just gotta lawyer up. Even if you fight it saying your cruise was on 75mph, you’d be going on record saying you were breaking the law and they could legitimately ticket you for 75mph in whatever zone you were in.

I told him and he told me to show him the light on… I was mad man, cursed him out, called him a faggot and told him Im sorry his hyundai doesnt have cruise control but when i press my brake the cruise control goes off… I was wrong, but I know for a fact Im going to have to appear which means im loosing money bc i have to leave my store and even if no points im gonna have to pay a fine… This would be ok if I was legit speeding, but i seriously wasnt…

well #1 i didnt tell the cop what the cruise was set to and #2 most cops wont pull you over until a min of 78 or at least thats what ive been told… if he pulled oe over and told me my speed was 75, so be it… but he didnt, he said it was 84 and it wasnt…

I just wanna know if its seriously possible to laser two people at once lol… I cant understand how he could tell when me and the civic were in the lane lane and me almost tailgating the civic until i saw the cop…

Yah thats not really how it is anymore… State is hungry for money. I would get a lawyer if I were you.

I didn’t say that’s what you told the cop, I meant if you actually went to court with this and say you weren’t going 84 because you had your cruise at 75, you’d still be screwed. Know what I mean?

Was the Civic pulling away from you the entire time? If the Civic was getting lasered and at the same time, you were even with the Civic (no one pulling away or catching up), then the cop would most likely assume you were going the same speed and figured since he tagged the other guy at 84, he can get you too.

See my previous post to this one. 99.9999% of the time, by the time you see the cop (especially if he’s doing laser), it’s already too late. So if you were on the Civic’s ass when you saw the cop, and he lasered the Civic, he’s going to assume you were going the same speed.

I think on the ticket it says he laser’d me “at 1,476 ft” …Me and civic were pretty close like i said until I saw the cop and backed away to like 67mph.

Also says on the ticket “charged based on officers observation”???

Ahhh… thats what I kind of figured. You’re probably going to think this is bullshit, but an officer can give you a ticket based on how fast he believes you were going, with radar/laser or not.

Thats gay… ill prolly go there first to see what the deal is and if they wanna give me points ill postpone it and get my lawyer… you dont think my story is argueable?

Like cossey said… I wouldn’t bring up that you had cruise control set at 75. Honestly… no story is really arguable with a judge unless you have a lawyer present. Judges just don’t give people the time of day. That’s just my opinion though.

Cop was tagging the civic and saw you behind him. Based on his observations you were going the same speed, as like cossey said if he did not see the civic pulling away from you, then you guys are going to same speed.

Cops are trained to judge speed with more then just a radar/laser, using points of refrence and a watch, plus teh common sense that if you tag one car going XXMPH and the car behidn it is not falling back then the car is also going the same speed as in your case.

Gotta clam down with cops, swearing/cussing getting angry and showing attitude does not help your situation one bit. You may get it dropped down to something less severe, but doubt your going to walk away 100% clean on this one unless the judge doesnt like the cop that ticked you :lol

i was polite with the guy until he started getting wise with me… He got wise with me, I got wise back with him… I’ll get it dropped down 100% gaurenteed to no points, it just sucks that I actually have to appear, thats the worst part imo lol…

It sounds like he tagged the Civic but you got nailed for it. I don’t think their laser can tag multiple vehicles at once. You can also contact the police department and get the calibration & maintenance records for the unit as well as the certificate of accuracy of the unit you were supposedly caught by.

He let the civic go?

sucks but get a supporting deposition for it as well, another 30 min of work for the officer and ask for calibration of laser gun

im sure the dispo was printed with the ticket. most are now a days.
