Can police laser two cars at once??

Yeah pretty much any printed ticket (which pretty much every station uses now, though a few easy bumfuck towns still handwrite) has a supporting deposition printed on it, usually its only a sentence or two but thats all the court really requires these days.

You will loose, If you were anywhere close to the civic he can eye ball you going as fast as it. If he lasered the civic at a certain rate of speed he can say that you were traveling around the same rate based on how your car was traveling compared to the civic. Police are taught how to eyeball speed in the academy, so they dont technically have to laser you if you are traveling with someone he did laser.

It is just like following distance. You can tell how fast the car infront of you is going exactly if you keep the same exact distance from it. It sounds complicated but we are taught that in the academy so you can fight it and you may get off but most likely you wont.

you should ALWAYS fight a ticket regaurdless if you were doing the speed you were written up for, thats kinda obvious lol… It always gets dropped to SOMETHING. I wont get points, but im obv gonna have to pay a fine.

They can laser cars as fast as they can pull the trigger on the gun and lock in your speed, so effectively yes he could have tagged both of you.

That still doesn’t mean he wasn’t blowing a little smoke up your ass as well. Lawyer time for sure.

He can say you were going 700mph if he wanted to Dave. Chances are the way you talked to him will affect the outcome in court. Probably would have gotten it reduced to a parking ticket without a lawyer if you didn’t say shit and just went along with it.

Nuts how this shit always happens to you and your never guilty. Seems like the inifiniti is getting you the attention you didn’t want with the BMW.

Either way it’s just a ticket, pay a lawyer and the fine and call it a day.

After talking to many cops, most haven’t decided whether or not they are going to give the person a ticket until they talk to them in the vehicle.

I’ve been pulled over ~30 times + and only gotten maybe 8 tickets that required a lawyer to get reduced.

Just saying.

or, you could just not speed… i’ve had one ticket in my life, about 3 months after i moved to charlotte (in 2004?) and it was on an access road on the side of the interstate… from stop sign to stop sign, the speed was never posted and i honestly had no idea it was a 35mph zone- i got popped for doing 52 by a rookie city cop, fresh out of the academy… i paid my lawyer, who pointed out the lack of posted speed limits and the ticket went away… you REALLY dont save enough time to warrant the risk of speeding… ~5-9ish mph over, to keep up with the flow of traffic? sure. anything more than that and you are just putting yourself at risk for no reason… slow down and enjoy the drive! you’ll honestly be less stressed, less road rage, less wear and tear, and less fear of tickets!

Luck of the draw. We all speed. I know Cossey got a ticket for going 4 over the limit if I recall.

You can’t say that you follow the limit to a T, always ^.

Edit: most of my instances aren’t speeding either.

Lolol at cossey getting a ticket for 4 over. Loser.

This is no longer the case with NYST’s on state highways when it comes to speeding tickets. If they’re pulling you over for a speeding ticket, you’re getting one regardless. They MAY reduce the speed on the ticket pending your attitude/chat with them at the window.

How so?

I can’t see how that can be mandated to an officer on the field and not leave it up to his discretion on whether or not to give a ticket.

Granted I don’t think I’ve only been pulled over on a highway for speeding once, and did get a ticket. Ironically it was after the twin bridges going to Albany and the bastard made me wait for 5 minutes while he was finishing his cell phone conversation and I was coming BACK from court. :banghead

dont get me wrong, i’m not claiming that i always follow the limit on the dot, but i also dont push it by following people who speed or see how fast i can go without getting a ticket… i enjoy having cheap insurance :smiley:

Exactly. I heard a few years ago NY was giving tickets on the northway for 1MPH over lolol.

I got tagged doing 47 or something in a 35 near Lake Placid, she gave me some BS story how I was going to have to appear and asked me if I was staying near by :facepalm I told her I wasn’t so she gave me the option of an “inadequate muffler” or no seat belt, I asked her what would be the cheapest and I was on my way home with an inadequate muffler ticket. She didnt like the Subaru rumble apparently.

Cop couldve been a dick but I was nice and she gave me some options.

NYS made it mandatory for troopers to issue speeding tickets if they locked in a driver with the LIDAR. Visual and/or KA band detection it’s at the discretion of the officer, however just about all speed infractions recorded by NYST’s are with LIDAR.

It’s NY, what do you expect…

Oh damn. Thank god Laser Jammers are legal.

Yuuuuuuuuuup :slight_smile:

Feels relevant

yup. ive gotten one hand written ticket lately and that was because i mentioned a friend. he said if such n such of friend is true call me n hed shred the hand written ticket. if i was blowing smoke up his rear the hand written ticket could be submitted a day or so later.

+1. now a days if you get a trooper to pull out of a U turn and pull you over for speeding, your driving away with something. sucks but def the truth.

@ OP im shocked that if the civic was in front of you he let them go and pointed you over.

Well I in all honesty was very polite to the officer which I am to all in the beginning until he takes his Authority to a whole new level and gets an un needed attitude… Sorry John, but I feel like a policeman/state trooper is just a job title and gives you no right to give someone attitude and mouth off knowing you have the power to say whatever you want… And then to test me on my cruise control and bs me on a bunch of random shit…

And He was pulling over a civic… a civic is not an attention getting car… I wasnt pulled over because of my car, I was pulled over because of an accused speed…

I WAS indeed guilty… But for doing 75, not 84.

I was basically just trying to say pay the ticket and move on. Dont even try to think if they can laser 2 cars at once. Troopers have the biggest power trips and are The worse to deal with. It’s amazing. I got pulled over a few months back and was nice to the trooper and shit and he basically was like here’s two tickets and have a nice day.Tint and no front plate tickets, who the fuck writes those on the thruway? Yup I got both at the same time.