Can police laser two cars at once??

Thats there job… Construction/detor workers can tell police they cant enter a road thats being worked on, a fireman can tell a policeman he cant enter an unsafe building, forensic people can tell police you cant touch dead bodies… It’s just a job and every job has its perks…

first of all Vlad, I’ve never said anythign negative towards you because this is YOUR website and while im using something that belongs to you I feel I should respect you… But you DONT act like a dick and just about everyone here has a problem with you… People are not coming on here anymore, some are but just talking shit about you and some even made new sites…

I dont suck anyones dick, what you see/hear is what you get, I dont pretend to act polite when im angry, I act…angry… When im sad, I act sad… when im happy… yup, i act happy. Pretending to be nice to a police officer after he wrote me a ticket and is disrespecting me is just not me.

p.s, dont tell me whats a meaningless fight and whats not… You werent there therefore you dont know what the fuck went on and for you to assume REALLY pisses me the fuck off… My LIFE was threatened… A fight was happening no matter WHAT! Better IN the bar where I knew it wouldnt last long or get out of control then outside the bar with no bouncers where who knows what would have happened…