Can police laser two cars at once??

Based on this thread and every other one where you argue with people over pointless discussions, yes, that is exactly what I think.

And stop saying “The fuck outta here,” you sound like you’ve been watching too much of The Wire lately.



Not true. My highway speed is ALWAYS 77/78. When I see a cop, I know he’s already zapped me, and THEN I slow down to about 72. I have never, not once, gotten a speeding ticket on the interstate (of ANY state) for doing just below 80 (or 83 if the states speed limit is 70). Basically…I keep it to 12-13 below posted speed limit. On local highways - like 787 - I keep it to around 7-8 over.

75% of my driving is interstate in many states. I have tried and tested this formula over and over and over again.

As for the ego, talkin back, etc.

Yes. Shut up.

Story 1 - Got pulled over for having my phone out back when texting was JUST made a SECONDARY offense (meaning you couldn’t be stopped JUST for texting). It is now primary offense that carries points I believe.

Him - “You started to put it to your ea…”
Me - interjecting - “I was most definitely not. I was checking my phone for an address.” (I really was texting my buddy about dinner plans)
H - “We’ll let the judge decide that.”
M - “Yes. We will. Because you can’t pull me over for texting as it’s a secondary offence. And I wasn’t doing anything wrong. I was doing 55, in my lane, and my car is in perfect shape.” (100% true - this was on the northway right across from where you can see Colonie Center)
H - “Okay, I’ll be right back.”
5 minutes later
H - “Roll your window up just a little please.”
M - “Really? That’s your primary offence so you can get me for the phone. Wow.”
H - “Yup.”
M - “That’s BS.”
H - “Thanks for knowing the law.”

Ended up paying $300 as both were dropped to parking ($150/each).


Story 2 - I was driving home from dropping off a female friend (had 2 other people in the car) as we had just gotten back from skiing at Jiminy Peak. Over in Cohoes there is a small street that is super short (30-40 yards) that used be a two-way street. Evidently, it became a one way and I didn’t know. So as I’m pulling out of this one way, cop drives by and immediately pulls over to turn around. I pulled over before he even did that because I knew I was gonna get stopped.

H - “You Ilya?”
M - “Yes. Good job on the name by the way.” (most people butcher it)
H - “Eh…it’s a common name if you watch TV.”
M - “Oh, you must be an NHL fan?” (Ilya Kovalchuk and others)
H - “Yes I am. Where you comin from?”
M - “Skiing at Jiminy”
H - “How was the snow?”
M - “Not bad. Couple inches of new stuff.”
H - “Okay sit tight.” (calls in my ID right there on the spot without going back to the car…gets told that my record is in good shape.)
H - “Okay, have a great night. Merry Christmas.” (this was like December 19th)

Story 3 - Got stopped for license plate light out. Had receipt in the car for a replacement that I had ordered 2 days before. Cop still gave me a ticket even though I offered up the receipt and was nice about it. Sometimes you just get unluck with an asshole, but usually…they are normal people.

Bottom line…be polite. Most of them aren’t ‘out to get ya’.

Piss off you blow-out having, douchey driving asshole.
Don’t make me call up Myers and have him beat your ass.


Thats there job… Construction/detor workers can tell police they cant enter a road thats being worked on, a fireman can tell a policeman he cant enter an unsafe building, forensic people can tell police you cant touch dead bodies… It’s just a job and every job has its perks…

first of all Vlad, I’ve never said anythign negative towards you because this is YOUR website and while im using something that belongs to you I feel I should respect you… But you DONT act like a dick and just about everyone here has a problem with you… People are not coming on here anymore, some are but just talking shit about you and some even made new sites…

I dont suck anyones dick, what you see/hear is what you get, I dont pretend to act polite when im angry, I act…angry… When im sad, I act sad… when im happy… yup, i act happy. Pretending to be nice to a police officer after he wrote me a ticket and is disrespecting me is just not me.

p.s, dont tell me whats a meaningless fight and whats not… You werent there therefore you dont know what the fuck went on and for you to assume REALLY pisses me the fuck off… My LIFE was threatened… A fight was happening no matter WHAT! Better IN the bar where I knew it wouldnt last long or get out of control then outside the bar with no bouncers where who knows what would have happened…

I love this thread… I can say most people in this thread have the right idea… If you are polite and not a Dick, you have a greater chance to not get a ticket… In some cases that does not matter… some cops just don’t care and they like to write tickets… I work with a couple people like this, does not matter how you act .

I really don’t write speeding tickets… I would much rather write a cell phone ticket, stop sign etc…

First thing I ask is, do you know why I stopped you?? Ill use cell phones for an example…

Yes I was on my phone or no, I don’t know why I was stopped…
Next I tell them why… If they say yes… Ok easy i don’t really have to say much… If they say no, then I tell them… 99% of the time a cell phone to your ear is plan as day… That 1% I just don’t bother… Sometimes if I think I saw something but not sure, I don’t bother…

Ok so I’m 100% sure this person was on the cell phone…no question… But of course this person seems to think I’m just a Dick head with nothing else to do… They want to argue and say they were not talking on the cell phone, when they drove right by me on the phone…

This person gets a ticket… not because I have some special power to write tickets or think I’m better then them… but for the simple fact I saw them on the phone and they are playing me for an idiot…and well maybe I do have nothing better to do!! Just kidding.

Let’s go back to the person that said that they know they were pulled over for being on the cell phone… they do not get a ticket… I like when people take responsibility for their actions…

This is how I work… not everyone is like this… But I really don’t give a Shit about tickets… the only time i really write them is when I’m working ot on a detail… I have to write them then.

If I can give any advise… Be polite, it may or may not work… But for the most part I think it will. Again there are cops that abuse their power and do think they are better but there are also a lot that just don’t give 2 shits. They are just doing there job.

Cops are dicks

Yup… Your brother is!

hahaha… Brian? Noooooooooo, not him.

Just keep at it, I’m sure you will never be in a confrontational situation ever again :number1

Other sites can knock themselves out and enjoy their run. God forbid somebody else misses out on this wonderful experience. :crackup And people taking shit and not visiting just means that I’m doing a good job as those weren’t wanted here to begin with.

Not even going to bother with other points. You are a big boy now and you make your own life decisions, I won’t argue your choices I’ll just sit back with the rest and read the stories.

Thanks for the morning laugh :lol

Vlad, most would agree, without your input, this place would be missing something. Dont stop

Didn’t realize you were an officer.

Question for you…I usually lower all my windows, etc. when I get stopped just to ease their mind (since mine are pretty dark - only got stopped once for them and got a warning - although he did tell me the car looks great with them lol)…does that actually work? Do you think most officers would react more ‘nicely’ to someone who did that allowing them to see the person/occupants before they were even side by side with them?

I will sometimes turn my car off too as I heard that helps a little bit.


usually i put windows down, interior lights on (if its dark) hand on the steering wheel, and other arm/hand on window ledge in plain visible sight. last thing i want is making an approaching officer un easy.

lconrad… whats your personal thoughts on people that carry? some people say tell them, or hand them your pistol permit. whats your thoughts?

i myself generally dont mention it. just so i dont get them all excited. if they ask “any weapons in the vechicle” id obviously tell them, but should i be the one bringing it up?

Being “prepped” as you guys describe above, and how I do myself is a double edged sword. On one hand it’s very courteous but on the other hand will tell an officer that you get pulled over a lot and imply that you keep breaking the law and don’t learn.

There are no “right” behavior to these situations, but there is definitely a way to do it wrong.

I would say at least roll your window down…if there are more people in the car, theirs too…i guess it wouldn’t hurt… I don’t think you need to turn the car off. I cant really tell you if it works or not because like i said before it may not help you at all, it all depends on the cop you get. me personally, I dont have a hard on for tint.

again…it may help you or it may not… it cant hurt.

me personally I would say tell the officer you have a weapon and where it is… I would rather have someone tell me right from the start then half way through. I would say in this case, keep your hands on the wheel until the officer tell you otherwise just cause of the weapon.

I had a person roll all his windows down and pretty much had both arms out the window when I walked up on him… kind of put me on edge… made me feel like something was up…

Im sure you deal with all kinds of “shit” in watervaliet.

Us good citizens of watervliet good people… no riff raff whatsoever

It’s not to bad yet… The animals are moving in though…

Seems like some of the Shit heads that live here are committing the good crimes in other cities… I don’t have a problem with that though…