Can someone reset a TPMS light for me please?

Dealership wanted $99 to check light and reset. I was hoping to pay about $98 less than that. If anyone can help me out I would appreciate it.


magnets dont work on yours? there was alot we took old speakers and ripped the magnets off the back and used those before the tpms shit came out to reset them. the ones im talking about just needed the magnet placed over the valve stem to reset them. im sure everyones got a different method now though, this was years ago

There is not a button/procedure to “re-learn” the system? This on the honda van Pat?

Its a 2008 Honda Accord. Wife’s car.

No Accords use a real PITA TMPS system.

The computer only can know four sensors’ ID at one specific time. You can only reprogram them with the stealership tools or an ATEQ tool.

That said, do you have the TPMS sensor ID’s? I have an ATEQ TPMS tool. Did you have to replace a sensor or something? Usually the light is on because of low pressure or a sensor is dead/broken.

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pay for tire rotation FTW? shouldnt be $99

Which light is on? TPMS or the low tire light?

It’s the TPMS light and I don’t have the iD’s.

get a black piece of electrical tape and put it over the light on the dash

problem solved

That means the car can’t see one of the sensors programmed.

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So is that an easy fix or no?

I would assume it means that one of the sensors is dead/not working.

Well when she bought the car the light was on. Thy said they replace the sensor and it should reset itself. I don’t think they programmed it and i don’t feel like going back there.

If they did replace a bad sensor then yes it probably wasn’t programmed. You would need a special TPMS tool that is able to read the code of the sensor when held near the sensor. Perhaps a tire shop can perform this. Besides that, maybe have a shop dismount the tires and get the codes? Then you could use an ATEQ tool (I’d help you with mine) and reprogram all the sensors.

Last option and honestly probably the cheapest for you is to go to the dealer and have them fix it. Sounds as if it should still be covered, no?

Anyone have any other ideas?

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Also, Accord TPMS are activated by centrifugal force. Not magnets. They normally take about 30 seconds to turn on.

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Thanks a lot for your help. Looks like I may have to make a trip to Batavia to golf and have these dopes fix this problem.

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