Can you cross the US/Canadian border by car?

i have a passport, makes for less hassle at the border.

have a passport




passport… have had it since 2001


Mullet and a muscle car…Proves I’m 'merican

you have neither. go back to canada.

Why would anyone go to Canada?

EDL and Passport. I think it’s easier to just have my ID on me, in my wallet, when going over the border and not have to worry about my passport. I always feel like I am going to lose my passport or have it stolen so I don’t like to have it on me when I don’t need to. Plus the EDL is only $30 more than a standard license.

My sister-in-law married a Canadian lives there with him and there 4 month old kid I had to get a passport.

I’m really surprised in how many no’s we have. The EDL is only $30 on top of your regular license and it’s good for 8 years. I understand not wanting to go through the hassle for a passport but the EDL takes about 15 minutes at the DMV and then it comes in the mail a couple weeks later.

got my passport so i could go to spain so i already had it

:tif: on having an RFID license

i knew it would prob of been 50/50

but it comes with a sleeve that blocks the signal until you take it out, or so they say.

This has inspired me to renew my passport. Plus I should anyway because I plan on leaving the country this year.

edit: Just went to the site. Frick. Since I got my passport before I was 16, I have to get a whole new one. Wtf.


I hope you’re not being serious.