Cancel Paypal payment?

Hey guys…

I was just wondering…I bought something on eBay yesterday, seemed legit…but unfortunately it was not.

eBay canclled it but i paid with paypal and i was wondering how i can cancel the payment? is it possible?

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Yes, file a claim with PayPal. It is under disputes.

I think only if it was not accepted by the other party yet. You need to get Paypal on the phone asap.

Filing a claim is bullshit. If the listing was not legit then the guy planned this and he will withdraw the money from the paypal account… and paypal says sorry, we couldnt get your money back… the end. Dont bother waiting a month for them to tell you what I just did. Call

what’d you cop?

well ebay owns paypal, so if they canceled the auction, i think they would get your money back too.

paypal has a long standing history of telling people to go fuck themselves

fail a claim

hope for the best

I cant seem to find a number to call paypal at?

lol its always at the bottom of the main page.

thanks so much guys…grrr this is a pain in the toOsh… f*in’ scammers…grR.

ALWAYS pay with a credit card. If you have a issue the credit card company will pull the funds from Paypal by force and tell them to F’off.

yeah, just get paypal on them. they’ll take care of it for you. i’ve had to do that before too… uh, they don’t fuck around




Hopefully your paypal account is funded by a credit card. Call the credit card company up, file a dispute there, and see what happens.

spent 30 min. on hold…was about to hang up, but luckily i didnt because they answered…

im getting my money from my bank just rerouted to my paypal instead of that piece of shit scammer…phew.

Thanks for all of your help guys! :slight_smile:

link to item?