Got screwed, paypal transaction gone bad...

I’ve been shopping for a camper/travel trailer to use in the summer with my family for about 6 months now. I thought I finally found something decent, it was listed online and was in PA, about 160 miles from my house. I talked to the guy via email and over the phone several times and I decided that it sounded good. I sent a 500 dollar deposit via paypal. Last sunday I drove to PA to bring it home. I inspected the trailer and it was not in the condition he stated, it was in serious disrepair and had substantial water damage. I left without the camper, under the assumption he was going to refund the deposit.

Its now 4 days later and he flat-out refuses to refund my money.

I tried to open a paypal dispute but can’t because a deposit is considered non-tangible. I called my bank to see if I could dispute the charges and there is nothing I can do because I didnt use my credit card, it was an automatic transfer from my checking account.

So, aside from small claims court, there is nothing I can do.

Im so pissed I think smoke is coming out of my ears and I needed to vent.

What did he say before the deposit? Was it non refundable, refundable, or not disclosed?

not disclosed.

but im not sure how much that matters because the item was seriously misrepresented. correct me if im wrong

Well if it was never mentioned anywhere that it was non-refundable he has no reason not to refund you, you didn’t buy it.

Do a charge-back on your cc.

Fuck paypal, call your cc company.

trust me Benny, my first thought was im dumb for not using my credit card.

I’ve already been talking to my bank and it doesnt look like there is anything they can do.

:banghead:banghead:banghead:banghead ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS use a credit card for online transactions.

dumb dumb dumb

Did you take pics of the camper in poor condition? Every little bit helps build your case if you have to go to small claim’s court to get your money back.

Good luck with everything.

PayPal takes sooo fucking long to get your money back…I’m in the process of getting my money refunded for an iPhone I bought that the guy just completely lied and said he shipped out over 2 weeks ago. Now I have to wait for PayPal to dick around until Jan. 7th before they can do anything about refunding.

i did not take pictures of it.

I’m not sure if there is any point in small claims court, since its so far away I’d start running into diminishing returns I think…

Sorry James. Shit blows. Try actually calling PayPal, they hide alot of shit, polices and stuff.

Already did, actually talked to a nice lady on the phone. Shes the one that told me there is nothing they can do.

Credit cards take a little while too. I had an issue trying to get a charge dropped and it was going to take over a month to reverse the charge.

Well since you got fucked, if you need a reacharound, you let me know. I got your back, BRO :lol

Start throwing out you’ll be hearing from my attorney and shit see what that does…It might just get a little fire under his ass and he will think twice about the fact he fucked up.

call them up, it was going on a few weeks for me, i called them and my money was refunded by then end of the day.

what might help would be going to the police station and generating a police report and possibly having the officer call him. i had to do this when someone did a charge back on me on a motor they picked up in person. it didnt work but he was very responsive at first. i had to go out to rhode island and talk to the police there and finally make a visit in person, but i had a lot more on the line though a 4000 dollar motor. i got my cash in the end though.

Do what Yo Sketchy said, call the guy up and tell him you will take him to court and you already spoke to your lawyer. If I was in his shoes I sure as shit would give it back.

If not tell him you are headed back to his house and will bring back up.

If not, i dont know. maybe burn his house down or something.

go back knock on his door and knock him out. At least you’ll have piece of mind he got his front teeth knocked out.

Then take the money or something worth $500 from him and leave.