your luck vs. paypal disputes?

so I purchased a high output alternator and it arrived dead. I talked one time since then with the seller and we agreed for the dealer to talk to him to ensure correct installation. Now he will not answer phone calls from either the dealer or myself.

I just opened a dispute and I’m curious about how paypal worked after you were not able to come to a resolution with the seller.

Did you fund the transaction with a Visa/MC/Disc?

Or from your checking account?

Everything I hear has been good from disputes. Person got their money back no problems.

credit card.

If paypal won’t do anything then issue a charge-back with your credit card…paypal doesn’t have any say in that.

the problem I see is that paypal did as promised with my credit card transaction. So I can’t really go after paypal since they did nothing wrong.


see my post above - I don’t want to piss off paypal because I use their service a lot.

unless you guys tell me people do this all the time.


depending on the card, some companies wont touch it, because they say that since its going through paypal its out of their hands…so be careful its not always the quick fix!

Paypal doesn’t care if you do a chargeback through your CC company. It’s not like they sold you the alternator.

But like he^ said, the CC company may say they won’t do a charge back since technically you didn’t buy an alternator, you gave money to paypal who gave it to someone else.

when you use a credit card on paypal you’re simply funding your paypal account. paypal then pays the other person from your paypal account.

So I can’t really dispute that paypal failed to provide any service with my money.

put another way… I didn’t but an alternator with my credit card – I puchased a credit with paypal.

That is all well & good.

However I can personally atest to Visa willingness to process this sort of request.

Paypal touts all their security features and such nonsense. If the seller empties their paypal account then Paypal will NOT refund your money or do anything else to help you. You will be shit out of luck. I got fucked twice like that before. Just use a credit card from now on and chargeback if necessary. Fuck paypal. They can afford it, you cant

word, I’ll keep that in mind. I just don’t want to fuck paypal when I NEED to use them again in the future.

paypal sucks, do a charge back

Paypal disputes in less than 45 days normally always come up good for the buyer.
Basically it means if the seller has money in his paypal, after failed communication for so long, paypal will just take it and give it to your account.

This is what happened to me, twice. I’d long since been using my Visa Checkcard to fund Paypal tho, so no problem getting the funds back.

and this is a business that uses paypal a lot so the guy will not want to lose his account.