Capital Ca$h for Gold LOLZ

And thats the exact question I want to know… I did not know at the time obviously which customers were cops and which werent but after i read there statements and saw pictures of the jewelry they sold I know exactly who they were and EXACTLY word for word what I said and did… NEVER EVER EEVVERRR did I give ANYONE, cop or no cop a price PER pennyweight or gram because thats NOT how I buy!! One of the under covers asked me how much my gold weighed AFTER I made them an offer and SURE, I told them and the weight was dead on… If the customer/cop never asked me the weight I NEVER would have told them… I believe in customer service, though I DONT base what I pay for gold soley on the weight if a customer wants to KNOW the weight of gold, sure, I’ll give it to them…

Again, the way I see/saw the law is - if you buy and sold gold BY weight you need a certified scale… As Jammer and others have stated, I’ve bought hundreds of items without even LOOKING at a scale… I DO use scales, but as a rough BASELINE for MYSELF and ONLY myself!

I am successful in a business with 434723442525 cash for gold shops on the same road as me BECAAUUSEEE I operate differently… I actually SELL my good merchandise to wholesalers who then retail the shit for 8 times the amount! All these other little faggot shops are the ones ripping you off! Best way I can compare is going to buy a cat converter brand new and then selling it at a junkyard… A junkyard is going to scrap your shit so they dont PAY shit… If a company that RETAILED cat converters BOUGHT used cat converters, chances are, they would pay more as they have other resources BESIDES SCRAP VALUE!!

Last, I feel the need to mention that Jason Pierce on the news at ASE Metal in Latham is a fucking JOKE!! He is the WORST of the WORST!! I had a chinese lady come into me a month ago with a TON of 22k jewelry… The shit was stamped clear as fucking day 22k RIGHT on it… She told me she went to HIM, the “leader of the dealers association” prior and he told her it was 18k jewelry and NOT 22k and lowballed the FUCK out of her… I think I gave the woman $1,800 MORE then he did and didnt fuck her over by telling her it wasnt 22k… I PROBABLY could have said yeah, hes right, its 18k and offered her $400 more and she woulda believed it bc it came from two people, but thats not the type of person I am… If I want to make a certain amount of money off of you, believe me I WILL! But im not going to lie and cheat you to make that money… Im gonna make you a fair offer based on TRUE facts and you can take it or leave it…