Capital Ca$h for Gold LOLZ

the guy from “Las Vegas”?!

some elected douchebag. County executive whatever the fuck that is

Danny McCoy can go suck a Berenstain Bear’s dick.

They have to hold it for a certain time frame in case it is stolen I believe


basically you’re not allowed to make money anymore. that’s what it comes down to. Lets get on wellfare.

Wait, you mean NYS made a law that’ll hurt businesses? No way! :lol

Thus the things we deal with living in this state.


For the people talking shit, I really dont know what to say to you… You have no clue of the laws and DEF no clue about this specific situation…

If you buy gold soley by weight and give customers a price PER pennyweight/gram you need a certified scale which is alot of money… I DONT buy gold by pennyweight/gram AND my customers dont EVER see my scale as they are plugged in behind my counter… On top of all of this, my scales are 100% accurate and this is proven… You put a nickle on my scale and it will weigh 5 grams on the dot! I have a peice of paper in the warrant the police served me CONFIRMING that my scale was the SAME as a “trusted” gold buyer in the capital region. If it WASNT id be fucking MYSELF over… BECAUSE I dont buy BY pennyweight/gram I am NOT required to have a certified scale because the scales are for my own personal use as a BASELINE…

I got fucked because I was accused OOFFFF buying gold SOLEY by weight and THAT is just not true… I’ve paid $50 for 5 grams of gold and I’ve paid $300 for that SAME 5 grams of gold in a diff form, a nice peice of jewelry that is sellable.

Retarded NY is retarded - People have nothing better to do then try to find these little things to fuck with people? This shit just further strengthens the fact that we have been liberally fuct and a bunch of people should be shipped off to a communist country.

Would you rather buy a gold coin that was from the roman empire, or a blank gold coin of same weight and gold content ? NY officials can go eat shit. They should go back to playing in their moms basements.

his other incidents, i agreed he was at fault. this time, i think its all the media and local government twisting this up. why? who knows, but seams to be the case here. for some reason they wanted him and went out of there way to get him with any little bs they could.

any person who cant read and understand what dave just said is an idiot.

if his prices arent based 100% off of weight then he doesnt need scales at all, so why have a state certified scale when its not required of you? specially if they cost thousands.

he wasnt ripping people off, it takes two people to make the arrangement. you dont like his offer go elsewere mother fuckers. he isnt the only c4g shop in the area. so saying he was ripping people off is just plain stupid. dont blame him for ripping people off for other peoples ignorences, who at the time of the deal were most likly more than happy to get X amount of cash for X amount of gold or jewelry.

daves been nice everytime ive went to the shop. all the people talking shit about him, have you ever even been to the shop or dealt with him? is their one person on here that has dealt with him that can voice up that they got ripped off or fealt dave did them wrong? didnt think so, but yet the dozens of people that have dealt with him were all happy and treated good.

haters gunna hate, but good luck dave.

agreed. fuckin liberals everywheres.

I’m not defending him but stating my point of view on everyone’s reaction. Everyone is acting like he’s been murdering customers, putting them in freezers in the back, and making stew with body parts.

Even if his scales were certified, if he offered someone less than what it was worth and they accepted the offer what the fuck is the problem? There are no signs in the store that say you must accept my offer and you can’t leave without selling.

Sure, maybe Dave should’ve had the scales checked just to shut the state up but that’s too late now. Live and learn.

Couldn’t the same theory apply to all the hate on Howard and redline?

If you don’t like what he does don’t go there? I have no opinion on this specific case and I wish Dave luck, but if the state went after Howard for some bullshit permit infraction state would be praised and all would be happy, nobody would be here defending him am saying it’s a commie state. Gotta love it.

By no means am I trying to say he is guilty of anything, it’s obvious all of the facts aren’t curently known by he general public.

But the article makes it sound like he WAS telling the customer the weight and basing the price off of that, otherwise how would the people operating the sting come to the conclusion that his scales read differently than others? If he wouldn’t allow them to be inspected officially than how would they come up with the fact that they are wrong othe than by him weighing out the gold and telling them an incorrect figure?

It’s one thing to offer 100 bucks for a ring, it’s another to weigh the ring, say it weights 2 grams and offer 100 bucks based on that.

Again, I don’t know what happened and I’m basing what I’m saying off of only one very sensationalized article until any further facts come up. When more information comes out and it turns out the truth is different than what has been released I’ll be the first to admit it.

And thats the exact question I want to know… I did not know at the time obviously which customers were cops and which werent but after i read there statements and saw pictures of the jewelry they sold I know exactly who they were and EXACTLY word for word what I said and did… NEVER EVER EEVVERRR did I give ANYONE, cop or no cop a price PER pennyweight or gram because thats NOT how I buy!! One of the under covers asked me how much my gold weighed AFTER I made them an offer and SURE, I told them and the weight was dead on… If the customer/cop never asked me the weight I NEVER would have told them… I believe in customer service, though I DONT base what I pay for gold soley on the weight if a customer wants to KNOW the weight of gold, sure, I’ll give it to them…

Again, the way I see/saw the law is - if you buy and sold gold BY weight you need a certified scale… As Jammer and others have stated, I’ve bought hundreds of items without even LOOKING at a scale… I DO use scales, but as a rough BASELINE for MYSELF and ONLY myself!

I am successful in a business with 434723442525 cash for gold shops on the same road as me BECAAUUSEEE I operate differently… I actually SELL my good merchandise to wholesalers who then retail the shit for 8 times the amount! All these other little faggot shops are the ones ripping you off! Best way I can compare is going to buy a cat converter brand new and then selling it at a junkyard… A junkyard is going to scrap your shit so they dont PAY shit… If a company that RETAILED cat converters BOUGHT used cat converters, chances are, they would pay more as they have other resources BESIDES SCRAP VALUE!!

Last, I feel the need to mention that Jason Pierce on the news at ASE Metal in Latham is a fucking JOKE!! He is the WORST of the WORST!! I had a chinese lady come into me a month ago with a TON of 22k jewelry… The shit was stamped clear as fucking day 22k RIGHT on it… She told me she went to HIM, the “leader of the dealers association” prior and he told her it was 18k jewelry and NOT 22k and lowballed the FUCK out of her… I think I gave the woman $1,800 MORE then he did and didnt fuck her over by telling her it wasnt 22k… I PROBABLY could have said yeah, hes right, its 18k and offered her $400 more and she woulda believed it bc it came from two people, but thats not the type of person I am… If I want to make a certain amount of money off of you, believe me I WILL! But im not going to lie and cheat you to make that money… Im gonna make you a fair offer based on TRUE facts and you can take it or leave it…

I get a kick out of Redline arguments to no end.

If you build 1000 LSX based engines you WILL have some that will fail. Guaranteed. How many issues does GM have with NEW fresh off the assembly line vehicles? Probably quite a few. My passenger side door leaked at the top when it rained a week after I bought the truck, did I go on a FUCK GM war path? No. I’ve never met Howard, I probably never will. Talk shit about a company or business and of course they will come after you. Remember what Skunk2 did when a few members of Honda-Tech uncovered the “truth” about their products? Sure, maybe Howard comes across as an arrogant fucking prick, so what? Are you doing business there? I have better things to do with my spare time than to aggravate a guy Ive never met. I sent one of my friends up here to Redline with his new '10 Camaro for a tune after he installed a cam, my friend has had numerous tunes and they were all shit. He said the Redline tune was by far the best he has ever had and he beats the ever living piss out of that Camaro, takes it to the track, etc. In fact he just put a supercharger on it, and guess what…its still in one piece. You never hear good news about businesses, it always seems to be the shit that you hear. Everyone can’t wait to run you down. I’ve probably heard worse stories about local businesses here and in the 518, big deal, life goes on.

Oh I hear you there, but that might be what the lawyer brings up to remove the charges; the scales werent tested, they must’ve been off, I didnt know. For all we know it could be a misunderstanding between the UC and what Dave told that person the weight was. Maybe Dave told them what he thinks he could get out of it for scrap value? So much shit we don’t know.


It’s election year, so it seems like the McCoy douchebag is trying to gain some positive attention for him / his party affiliation. And the dam Liberal Jews are fucking shit up too and controlling the media.

i bet NYS would also love to get more money for nothing. scumbags.

Sounds like Dave needs to get former/current customers to testify/written affidavit on his behalf about their transactions, to prove his legitimacy. but, then again, im no lawyer…

im down for that, lets set it up.