Heres my side -
The scales in my store are 110% accurate and dead on… This was verified as the under cover cops that sold me gold went to a different gold buyer first and there weight and mine was the EXACT same… A half troy ounce off is fucking retarded… A half troy ounce is around $500, if my scale was off by a half troy ounce then HALF of my customers gold wouldnt even register on the scale!!! 80% of my customers have a TOTAL of less then half an ounce of gold.
I bought this store about 6 months ago… I took the delivery of the store AND the website… I have not altered the website since the day i took delivery of the store… I can honestly say, I had no idea it said we buy by weight and dont feel i should be accountable for something I didnt create…
I have NEVER lied about the weight of my gold as that would make MYSELF cheat MYSELF!! My customers dont ever see my scales, only I do… I weigh the gold for my personal knowledge and make an offer… Wether or not the weight was correct or NOT you can accept or decline my offer… I’ve NEVER forced anyone to sell there gold EVER.
As far buying gold soley based on weight which was the big issue here… I DONT!!! I have paid $500 for the same weight in gold that ive paid $50 for in the passed… If something is a nice peice of jewelry I sell it to wholesalers who then retail it for triple the price!!!
I fucked with the weights and measurements guy and shouldnt have, plain and simple… He made it personal and fucked me…
This is YOUR store. You should prolly know what you adevertise. You shouldn’t feel accountable for something that you OWN? Unreal.
Also, why did you refuse to have your scales inspected? If you are so honest about everything you do shouldn’t you be going out of your way to make sure everything you are doing is labled/inspected/etc?
Even if you did not do these things on purpose it is still shitty running of a buisness.