Capital Ca$h for Gold LOLZ


its the media chill the fuck out its all twisted the fuck up, you’re retarded and everyone else who believes that shit 100% is retarded also.

nah doesn’t look like he made any excuses and i don’t know what his car has to do with this story in the media

according to your dumbass, apparently his car is now free because he is going to court. COOL

exactly, if you get offered a certain amount of money for what you’re selling and you agree to that price, how did you get cheated?

I sell ALOT OF SHIT to random people all the time, If I sell a laptop to someone for $200 bucks and then I decide after I take the money that they cheated me because they sold it for $220, what the fuck ?? how does that make any sense? I WAS cool with taking that offer so that’s my fault.

Same with buying / selling gold. No one is getting cheated because if you don’t like the price you don’t have to take it mother fucker.

and its not your store , and you’re going by some news story, what the hell are you all bent for ? are you extra gullible or something?