Car Accident, Need Some Help

Hell i got called on the phone for a DUI wrecking into me over a 1.5 years ago recently. company i no longer work for, wanted me to go into court. gave my details over phone again. they are still fighting for is at fault :rofl:

I contained the wreck before it became a disaster :stick:

bigger TT truck > small box truck. he admitted to me. obviously not too anyone else.

I worked for a body shop…I completely agree with him on not calling your insurance comany until need be. And considering where you got hit…I agree again that you need to go to a good body shop!

Even if the guy claimed fault at the accident, he probably called him insur. and said nothing about fault until he was asked after giving all the info. They probably prompted him to have you call yours. Dont give in!!!

Even if they end up paying for it…your still out a deductible. Dont waste your money.

I just called my insurance because at this point, they guy is saying that we merged into each other. I highly doubt his insurance company is going to investigate and find him at fault. If he is found to be at fault by my insurance co. I won’t have to pay a deductible so that is what I am hoping for. Plus my deductible is only $500, so I’m not really worried about it.

Either way it works… that way will be the fastest, but you will have to pay the $500.

Finally got a look at it in the light during lunch and it is not near as bad as I thought. The bumper has some marks from his tire on it that should come off and maybe some small scrapes and the rear fender is only bent in about 1 or 2 centimeters and the paint looks like it is intact. Damage should not be bad at all. I am considering just dropping the claim with my insurance company since the repairs might cost less than 500 bucks anyways. Mark, I will send you some pics when I get a chance (probably wednesday afternoon) to see what you think.

Sounds good… even if it is under $500… just keep the receipt and if his insurance for some reason does admit fault, they will reimburse you for the amount you paid.

Yes it was actually. And the Taurus was gold.

Considering the extent of cosmetic damage here that might be a viable option. From experience, though, any accident of major signifigance should be dealt with by your insurance claims rep. If everyone in the world was honest it might work otherwise but people arent’ sooo…C.Y.A.

Once again, your input proves worthless.