Looking at getting an alarm/remote start. Anyone have good/bad experiences? I like the looks of the CompuStar 2-way stuff, but I only know 1 person who has a CompuStar and it’s like 5 years old.
I know First Bass is the way to go for a shop, just wondering if you guys have suggestions on a good alarm/remote start combo for a 5-speed.
They dont make to many for a 5 speed…Compustar is one of your only options and prob your best. I have only installed one and it was not to bad to put in.
I put a keyless R/S in my girl friends integra i got it off ebay or something i forget what kind it is but is made for a 5 speed…The car stays running untill she gets out and shuts the door the car will shut off…and will only remote start if she “sets” it this way…It is the safest R/S for a 5 speed
I agree anything DEI
though i had a Python unit and ive added tons of other security things on the side i dunno what happened but the brain unit for mine died so i got the clone brain unit made by Viper…and thats what i got now and love it