Car audio V. cold ass winter

anyone else have a system in thier car?, for osme reason when its negative whatever it is windchill, my system sounds like shit. Obviously its from the cold, but what is exactly happening? ways to prevent it ?

yeah, wait til summer to listen to music.

battery might suck or be close to dead? unless you have true electrical problems it’s probably a lack of available voltage. beyond that generally shit equipment. hook up a gauge or meter when the problem occurs and see if anything tips you off.

once i warmed the car up it sounded fine, my guess is sick sliding and some bumpy roads, the box could have slid. I’ll have to re check some of the connections i guess.

Maybe ur shit needed to warm up, like the speakers, amps.

they absolutely they need to be warm. it sounds like shit because your amp and speaker is frozen. in this weather we are having, i wouldnt be surprised if there is frost on your equipment.

this is probably the cluprit. ughh now i wish i didnt just turn it up. I’ll have a look at it in the morning.

the amps take a few mins to warm up and get going, voice coils are frozen etc.

I just have a headunit in my winter car, seems to skip more when its cold. When it warms up i can go hit speedbumps and it wont skip lol.

i never played my system in the winter
going from frozen to hot generally isnt a good idea

rubber surrounds become substantially stiffer in the cold…

Just like your cars engine… it all works better and properly when it’s “warmed up”

you’re going to blow your speakers if you operate them to “loud” when its too cold.

unless you have it in a SUV and allow the full interior to warm up and have the heat on then you should be ok. I never play mine until my truck is warm inside. Had my shit for 4years summer and winter!

umm its cuz your speakers freeze in the cold n cant operate properly…

ive never had a problem…

idk ive had the same subs for like 2 years been in like 4 diff cars hot and cold weather and havent had isues

I never had a problem until it was ridiculous cold.