Trouble with CD player for s13

Hey ppl, for the longest time everything was working fine with my cd player and then when the weather started to warm up the sound started to cut out as if the CD was skipping and now i get absolutely zero sound (not even static) but the CD player reads the CD and the time counter continues.

I’m working if anyone has had a problem similar to this. Are there any small amps hidden in 240s or any weird wiring that would prevent sound if a fuse was blown.

The problem may be in the deck…as the rear speakers are hard wired…but I’ve never had any troubles like this before.

Just wonderin’ if anyone has had similar problems. Hopefully it’s not my deck.

Thats strange, usually they crap out when it gets cold.

It sounds like its in the deck. i think the weather thing is just a coincidence. If there was a fuse gone the deck wouldn’t turn on, and as for factory amps; I don’t think there was any in S13’s but i could be wrong, S14’s I have no clue. I’m 90% sure its your deck, or you some how blew all your speakers at once. Which is very rare.

Maybe the harness on the back of the deck is loose. Try checking out those thing and let us know.

usually when u blow up speakers there is still static though right?^^

if the harness is not broken try checking inside the deck and see if anything burnt up or broke loose
i have had broken wires in my old kenwood deck and it still puzzles me how they just magically broke.

for the main fuse on the back of the deck it’s good, plus the thing still turns on. The wiring connections i’ve double checked them and they’re solid… I’ll read my warranty info first but if me opening it doesn’t void my warranty i’ll have a look inside maybe something over heated and burnt out…which sux cuz it’s only a few months old lol. Thanx for the tips, i’ll keep posting anything i find

shit if its still warrantied take it back then man it only took mine 3 weeks to go to california and back to get fixed

what brand were u dealing with… i think i can’t take my deck back to futureshop i have to contact Pioneer myself…

if it flickers on an off, it quite possibly be just a loose wire behind the deck. check that out.

Well it looks like i found the culprit… if anyone has a pioneer deck and ever comes across a problem like this i think i know why. All speakers must always keep their circuit or else all of the speakers might fail to work… i had pushed some wire under the console and i had though i got the one side to go underneath that metal bridge but it didn’t make it overtop and started to short out now i’m going to ensure this second one makes it under the bridge…thx for all input


yep, had the same problem woth pioneer 2 years ago!